Why does AI want this exchange?

Both the OGS AI and AI Sensei seem to really want this exchange throughout the rest of the game. Is there a reason for this that I’m not understanding? (10k by the way, been 8k a few times). Obviously I made a few mistakes that got me into this situation, but it seems like a wasted sente move to me.

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Im not sure why AI thinks its so great, but it forces white to play the atari on T10 and eventually capture on S9. White would much rather play somewhere like S5 first and maybe get more liberties than what the black’s R9 has, this way white maybe doesnt even need to capture those stones at the end.

So i think the exchange is about forcing white to capture in sente while securing some points on the corner for black. I feel like the most crusial part is the “in sente”; its a sequence black could play anytime and white will most likely answer those moves locally since they do not want to lose the R7 stones.

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It’s double sente. And helps strengthen black to prepare attack on lower white group.


That makes a lot more sense, thank you!

It creates the cutting aji of Q6 (or Q5 peep) which may be useful later?