When I am on vacation, it seems my opponent’s clock is also not running. Why is that? With vacation, I am indicating that I may not have time to play regularly enough to prevent time-outs. My opponent has indicated no such thing, so their clock should just run. If they want theirs stopped too, they can go on vacation.
Vacation pauses the game.
Yes. I am asking why.
Why would your opponent’s clock continue to run while yours doesn’t? You have left the board, so to speak, why should your opponent continue to sit?
I don’t think metaphors relating to real life games are really relevant here. I’m playing 30 boards at once, so I’m not “sitting at the table”, not is my opponent forced to sit there. It seems to me that my opponent, since he has not turned the vacation flag on, should simply expect his clock to run in all games where it is his turn?
Of course you don’t think they are relevant, because they succinctly point out how ridiculous your argument is. It is silly to expect your opponent’s clock to run while yours stops. That’s all there is to it. It’s silly.
To preclude this devolving any further. I am closing the topic.