Why has website blocked Iranian ip?

Just afew months ago i could access the website. But now I get error 403 and I can access it only through vpn. Even when I use tor i cant load login page and then I get “page not found” error.

Its not faire. We have enough blocked website from goverment. Please remove Iran’s ip from black list

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I can assure you, we have not blocked the country of Iran. Nor is your account blocked as far as I can see.

Do you ever use a different device or IP to access this account? It’s possible that another user hijacked your IP and got it banned.


We are hosted on Google’s Cloud Platform so you may be running into that see:


Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do about that, we’ve also had some folks from Crimea who are having trouble getting access. We’ve intentionally blocked Tor for the time being due to trolls and griefers.


Yes. It is google.
I dont even know what to say. It seems i have to pay for vpn to access my favirote free website :frowning:
Thanks for the answer.


Is there a petition or something against this kind of thing?

You can try Opera browser, I’ve heard now comes with free VPN service… although I have no idea what its current performance is and whether Iran blocks its exits.


Thanks, this is helpful.

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Thank you for (probably) using the search function. :clap:

"We are hosted on Google’s Cloud Platform [servers]" - Oh god.
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Thanks, I will try Opera, if it works for me.