Hello, why have I Lost? The time was here most important? Had more point and places,
65521737-065-IwonaW-asdfzxcvhjkl.sgf (786 Bytes)
You may just link the game here (copy/paste the adress in the bar when you are on the game page)
One goboard Line is missing in your screenshot.
because you lost by time
I recommend to never use Absolute time control - it means that you have to finish entire game in N seconds, its hard to not timeout
in byo-yomi or simple time control you have N seconds in each move, it fully regenerates after each move
45s absolute should be illegal
lol. I certainly wouldn’t play it, but to each their own
Byo-yomi or Fischer are both great time controls with pros and cons (and I understand Absolute time has a dedicated fanbase, so to each their own), but isn’t there some bug with Simple time that means you should just use Fischer with the same increment as the cap? am I remembering that right?
Lord forgive them…