There must be a simple explanation I’m unaware of. A new account playing well would clearly win and resigned at the end. What’s the reason?
Sometimes when I make a mistake in playing I get so disgusted with myself that I instantly resign and don’t want to play on (regardless of of the situation on the board).
Could be they were annoyed at you not resigning and didn’t want to waste more of their time. Could be a sandbagger, someone who wants to get an unrealistically low rank. Could be something happened in real life that meant they couldn’t continue and they think resigning is more polite than escaping.
But in this case it would be the opposite! The person would win.
Ok, valid options, although in the first case I have the feeling of extra victory seeing a huge difference in points instead of a resign. The sandbagging seems likely, because of the extra chat later.
If the user is doing that for many games then sandbagging is very likely. If it’s just 1 or 2 games then it could be other reasons.
If you’ve taken the time to look at their game history, and discover that they are doing it more than once or twice, it’s a good idea to report it, under the Sandbagging category.
(Unfortunately, the Sandbagging category is full of unsubstantiated reports which tend to just mean “I’m cross that I lost to a person of this rank”. This means that genuine well-researched reports of actual sandbagging can get delayed or lost … but it does help to have it on record, and if you’ve done the research to show it, it really helps a lot, especially if you say so in the reprort).
Oh ok, I forgot to check the history. Well, I changed my mind then, there’s not enough data for any conclusion. Just 7 games in a period of one week a month ago. And the resign when winning happened 2 times.
A friend of mine works in retail. Sometimes, especially winter mornings, when there aren’t many customers visiting his shop he tries his hand at blitz games. If a customer comes in he’ll resign the game and deal with the customer. Sometimes he has time to say he has to go, sometimes he doesn’t.
You can get away with a lot in blitz that is considered bad behaviour under any other conditions…
in a way, it’s a good choice for the situation.
You’ll want to make sure that the pattern of resigning is random though. It’s amazing how many people have “bad power in their house” or “tunnels on a train” only when they are losing or only when they are winning.
And let’s not forget the pesky little brother who used his sibling’s account.