Why was white winning already?


I have a question about the following game: Short & Fast: Only 10 s extra!
At move 234 of white (me), the computer says I am already winning (in the sense that the territory L-T 1-4 can all be killed by white). But I don’t see it. In the real game, black played O1, and clearly, now I could kill black.
But what if black would have played Q3 at move 235 instead? It seems to me that black could still have escaped, killing white. What am I missing?

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White responds at N1 and wins.

One variation:


Another variation:


One more variation (best endgame for black, but still losing the semeai):


(Also see those variations in review Short & Fast: Only 10 s extra!)


But in the first two variations, basically noone wins right? I mean both black and white keep what they have, because they are in a dead-lock. Whoever puts the next stone will get eaten.
In the last variation, black gets eaten.
AmI wrong?

White wins in all three variations.


Black can’t make 2 eyes here, but white can make 2 eyes with P1.

If black prevents white P1 by playing at P1 himself, white throws in at Q1, reverting to the position of the 2nd diagram (but in a different move order):


In this situation, white has an eye and black doesn’t. Even if back captures at R1 and connects at Q1, white doesn’t need to do anything, because black can never atari white without putting himself in atari. However white can always connect at T3 and then play T1 to atari and capture black. Black can’t do anything to prevent it.


I basically had the same shape in a tournament game last month, only black already had an eye :slight_smile:

Except it should’ve been seki but I got lucky the opponent make a mistake, and then unlucky because I made a much worse mistake later :stuck_out_tongue:

Also my marked move was a big mistake XD