Wish: Better Noticeable Undo Requests

The current implementation - the stone marker changing to the questionmark - works in zen mode as well.


I figure something like a little :sun_with_face: which shines not only for undo but for some words written in the game chat

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Or to keep with the ambience of zen mode, a distant thunder in the background (to alert aurally), or the board becoming like a discolored parchment (to alert visually)…

This problem still exists, the question mark isn’t showing in the thumbnails. Any idea if this could be fixed? @Eugene

Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 14.23.13


It amazes me that folk would notice or care about this. Never occurred to me.

Is it like “I’m scanning games that are my turn on my home page, and if I have to think about this game, I’m not looking at it right now, but since it has an undo, I’ll go and grant it right away”?

It probably can be done.


I personally don’t get the whole planning-before-picking-which-game-to-play concept, but I think this feature (? on the mini boards) would make sense to me just for consistency’s sake.

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Yeah, exactly this. I often take a quick look at the board thumbnails to see if i have games where my next move is obvious, then open that game / those games in new tabs, and play my move. And for games where my next move is not that obvious, i just skip those “for now” and come back to them later when i actually have time and energy to read (assuming i still have time on the clock) xD

In that game i posted, we were “lucky” that the my opponents last move was easy to answer (since its atari), but in case it had been some trickier move, i would probably have thought something along the lines “oh i still have almost 2 full days to think what to play, i dont need to open that game right now, it can wait till tomorrow”

There has been actually many instances where my opponent has played some weird misclick, and because the move i see in the thumbnail is weird, it hasnt been obvious for me how to answer it (or if i even should answer it), so i havent opened the game in days. It is kinda lame when i finally think that i know what to play and open a game, just to see that my opponent has indeed misclicked and requested an undo a week ago.


I like the suggestion to make undo requests visible in the thumbnails, but I would like to actually take it a step further to make it even more obvious, like place a big question mark (maybe semi-transparent) over the whole board. I would like the thumbnail to look something like this, when there is an undo request from my opponent:


We could also change the outline color to something else as well.

There have been times in the past where I’ve had so many correspondence games going on at the same time that whenever I opened OGS, I would have well over a dozen games waiting for my move. Often, instead of having solid blocks of time where I could address all games waiting for my move, I would have smaller periods spread throughout the day, where I could only properly address a fraction of my pending games at each session. Hence, I would have to triage and prioritize the games with the most urgent time pressure and/or where a response is most obvious, since I might not get to the rest until my next opportunity, which could be hours away.

Yes, this is the most likely situation that I’m imagining. Seeing an obvious undo request would let me know that I could just quickly grant it, instead of wasting time believing that I’d need to put in more thought about the response.


Totally makes sense. I actually consistently have 10-20 games going, but the reason I’ve never triaged is that I don’t think very hard regardless of the board state. Therefore auto-advance suffices in my case. That’s on me haha I should really be more mindful.


Also, like this idea. Seems easiest to implement of the suggestions that have been made.


One more thought- the color seems the most appropriate first step also because people who have many games going at once generally are looking at list view. (doesn’t the home page force list view for >10 games?)


It is configurable in Settings > General Preferences > Game thumbnail list threshold.


Oh heyyo never seen that, thanks!

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I’ve kept myself at roughly 50-80 ongoing corrs for some time now, and i prefer the thumbnails for the reason that i can see my opponents last moves directly on the overview page ^^
Thats why i would like to have this feature on the thumbnails, its hard to say that its “better noticeable” now when there isnt absolutely anything to notice xD

And if possible, i would rather have the question mark over the last move, than some different coloured border, unless that colour is easy to change without making some css injection.


Interesting how some things occur to some and not to others, no? :wink:
And how boring this world would be if we’d all have the same thought at the same time, ALL the time :slight_smile:

Yes, that. Because … if someone wants an undo, and if there’s a chance that I would grant them the undo, then …

  • I’d have that game off my list
  • and they could continue right away

… both of which seems like a Good Thing™ to me.

That would be real cool, it’s just that I cannot do it.


I reminded myself why I didn’t immediately do this before.

On the “Profile” page we don’t have all the data about “the game in progress” handily available… because obviously “the game” is not a meaningful thing in that context.

So it’s rather less straightforwards, at which point I baulked before :slight_smile:

I’ll poke around some more…