Women in go

I have just finished reading this thread (I think I can link it now) and I’m a bit shocked.
I don’t know if it applies to me because I don’t think I’m physically attractive, but the idea that it’s possible that many go players want to interact with me mainly because I’m a woman doesn’t appeal to me at all.
Online it’s probably different. From my nickname you can clearly see that I’m a woman (although I assure you that many people thought I’m a man :sweat_smile:) but I guess the distance has a big role.
As @yebellz already said, the fact that there are few women could lead to some women not wanting to stay in the community. I find it a bit sad but I understand it.

@Groin Thanks for the statistics, I had never seen that report and I find it very interesting. I didn’t know Hungary had so many young players. And I agree with you, 26% on OGS seems very good to me. It’s not 50, but I didn’t expect that much.