Won, but not sure how to improve. [~8 kyu]

I have a game I won, but other than a few minor blunders (and a big one toward the end), I’m not sure what I could have done to improve. What I’m looking for is some general trends in this game that I could focus my attention on as I continue playing other games. Thanks!
2025-01-03_kgs_win.sgf (5.4 KB)


Is this your game?

I uploaded the sgf so it’s easier for people to review.


That’s my game, how can I format this better in the future?


You take your sgf and upload it like this

When it appears on the list you can open it like any OGS game and share the link.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks!


That’s all the help I can provide for an 8kyu game :grin:


I left a few comments in the link Gia created, on overall big, global shape moves and focussing too much on the centre in the endgame (which can be a common mistake – trying too hard to protect a small centre as it can somehow feel more important to protect or like it’s been committed to, when the sides or other areas are bigger or more sente)

And on a few points in which you didn’t choose the bigger way to accomplish something globally, or the bigger area/global view, and an aji keshi + various big aji/tesuji or cutting points W left to be aware of.

Normally, when you have a shape like this where you can hane/double-hane at the head of an opponent’s stones, and they can atari or extend otherwise, it’s big/urgent globally for both sides, and sente/powerful to get the extra hane.

It’s a similar principle with this shape where you can double-hane from a strong shape and weaken the opponent shape in sente, the double-hane and extension are both huge shape/global moves.

You get moves in sente on the outside to significantly strengthen your shape and weaken the opponent shape in both shapes.

For example, you could play this and gain stones in sente for free, to add stones+strengthen your shape/influence, for attacking the W weak group in the centre.

(and huge territorially too, as if B plays there, B can reduce W a lot and have endgame follow-ups to reduce further in the corner due to the weakness)

Compared to W playing there in counter-sente and solidifying the shape and a lot of territory+follow-ups along the side

Hope that helps !!