Would we want arrows for analysis?

The arrows in particular are those say like on lichess (demo below)

I know this is a quite a low priority idea of all the ideas one could have. I know we can use the draw tool to make (dodgy looking) arrows at the moment, and it would more or less only be for point out influence and direction of play and things like that - mainly for review or maybe for people streaming while using OGS.

I guess it wouldn’t just have to be an arrow tool, maybe a toggle to turn off the arrow head but it could still draw a straightline - as in it could be locked to board co-ordinates? Then you could draw clean sector lines too :slight_smile:

It’s just an idea and curious to see if anyone thinks it interesting or useless :slight_smile:


I just want to note that lines and arrows are supported in the SGF standard. Sabaki is an example of an SGF editor that supports those.


Oh yeah, that’s pretty cool :slight_smile: One could make them downloadable with the sgf so :slight_smile:


I never knew this :open_mouth:


I would be happy with arrows (and also being able to type letters in an analysis). The draw tool is clumsy.


Do we really need arrows since we already have the pen tool?

  • Attorante’s comment noted, but I don’t find it clumsy personally. It does help if you’re a mouse user.

You can, press the letter tool and shift + click on the board. You can even fit multiple characters, if it doesn’t become too wide to fit. Emoji can be used too.


I think the arrows on lichess help because you’re describing the movement of pieces. However, I don’t really see the point for a go game. It’s not like I have a problem with the idea, I just can’t immediately see a reason for even drawing an arrow in a go review that couldn’t be better accomplished with marking stones/intersections.


I draw arrows when showing how an invasion can have multiple options to live / escape, but that’s about it. The drawing tool suffices for that, in my opinion.

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But the drawings don’t persist if you download the sgf.


There are pros/cons for both. Free hand drawing allows for arbitrary marks, but it can be messy or difficult (depending on your device/hand), and the marks are not saved into the SGF. Lines and arrows can be neatly aligned to the grid and can be saved into SGF, but they are not as flexibly expressive as free-hand drawing.


But also they are not mutually exclusive, right? Just have both.


What is mutually exclusive, however, is what to spend development time on. For me, this would be super low on that list.

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