Wrong translation in Dutch

If you plan conditional moves, the button that you have to press to accept the conditional moves is labeled “Voorwaardelijke verplaatsingen aanvaarden”. The word “verplaatsingen” is not only incorrect here but also inconsistent. The menu is called “Voorwaardelijke Zetten Planner”.
The Dutch translation for a move in Go is “zet”. Also the term “aanvaarden” is a bit odd in this context. A better translation is “accepteren”, the literal translation of the English “accept”.

I have have volunteered for helping with the translation, but I could not find this phrase in Pootle. Sound like the same problem as the Swedish translation has. Here also “verplaatsing” means that you move (the piece) on the board. This is not allowed in Go.

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I’ve heard auto-translate is now done on missing translations, which means what you’re seeing doesn’t live in Pootle.

Have you tried searching the English text? (“Accept Conditional Moves”)

I just searched for the text “Accept conditional moves” in Pootle and the translation was “Accepteer voorwaardelijke zetten” which is correct. But I still see the (wrong) term “verplaatsingen” on the OGS site.
Also, when I search in Pootle for “verplaatsingen” this word is not found.

By the way, I had to go way back in my browser history to find the URL for my Pootle project. It would be nice to have a permanent link in OGS for this. Every now and then I get a pop-up box that asks me if I would like to contribute to the translations. This takes me to the Pootle project. Forgot to save that link.

I had a quick look and if I am looking correctly, there is no “official” translation for the term. What you are seeing are merely automatic Pootle suggestions. And appologies for the Pootle interface, it is confusing :confused:

If you simply input them in and confirm (if they are correct as you say) they should get officially merged into the public website in a day or two. Thank you for the help!

Ftr the link is burried in the about section Play Go at online-go.com! | OGS if you ever need to find it again. Indeed it is not super visible, but at the same time my gut feeling is not to clutter the interface with it in a more visible space, I don’t think most users care, and generally speaking most languages feel “good enough” translated so to say.

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To illustrate the difference:


I submitted the translation so hopefully it is picked up by the OGS website soon.


I just love “reading” Dutch as an English person. I know no Dutch, but it reads wonderfully! :slight_smile:

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Sometimes it reads just like English: schip - ship, zeil - sail, zee - sea, anker - anchor, vis - fish, haring - herring.

Maybe you will find reading Frisian even better.
Centuries ago (4-5 century?) many people from Friesland emigrated to England. There is a mutual influence between Frisian and Old English.