Yellow on white is an awful color choice for text

Got some good news and some bad news. The good news is I investigated and found that none of the issues you reported were regressions.

Bad news is I don’t plan on touching CSS/stylus for a bit unless it’s something I broke :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Couple things:

  • Ladders
    • I think the uniform color (only blue) is by design so that people can easily find who’s challengeable
    • Making the blue consistent with other blues on the site might be a good idea.
  • Hover
    • I think that’s just the default behavior of the web, but it gets overridden by the !important on special user colors
    • Wouldn’t be hard to override. One-liner in the :hover block in Player.styl
  • AGA
    • The contrast ratio isn’t ideal, but it’s not really worse than the gold (still) is on light backgrounds
    • The fix would be a one-liner. something like:
- dark.aga-official                       = light.aga-official;
+ dark.aga-official                       = #d60

Happy to assist if you (or anyone else) feels the urge to make a PR.


Bumping this. I’m happy to implement changes to make the two golds look more consistent, but I need a clear signal on what route to take.

Obligatory poll. Feel free to choose more than one if you find the options agreeable!

  • #1 lighten gold in light theme
  • #2 darken gold in dark theme
  • #3 change gold in the player boxes, but keep the site wide golds the same as they are currently
  • Other (please explain in replies)

0 voters

Don’t turn gold to poo. Change the background instead. Sketch:

There is also the option of a black semi-transparent text shadow

.MainGobanView .players .player-name-container {
    text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


Dear god, no…


Testing different shadows for fun while I’m procrastinating from my duties. Still I think changing the background color is better. Maybe even make both boxes be the same solid color. And indicate who is playing black with a different kind of indicator that doesn’t compromise text readability. Some Go servers use a stone icon next to player name.

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> cries uncontrolably

Surely they can still be different colours, and just the act of changing from gradient to solid colour would be the bulk of the improvement?

If it is really this desperate, why not close the topic :crazy_face:

BTW: isn’t it time to dethrone the pedant again? Pedantry seems to spread all over the forum.


No need to close the topic :stuck_out_tongue: just because shadows are ugly and cringe doesn’t mean we can’t all work together to find a good solution that is both pleasing to normies and functional for as many people as we can reasonably accommodate.


Please don’t cry, BHydden. :frowning_face:


awful :heart: but legitimately better than shadowed text… :stuck_out_tongue:


Glad I’m not the only one who finds this displeasing. IMO shadows make text less readable.

EDIT: the last mock by @taatelikakku (the solid outline) was actually good for readability, but possibly a bit garish. Maybe a good candidate for the new Accessibility Mode?

I played around with removing the gradient, and it doesn’t really change the issue re: yellow being bad on (off)-white. @Eugene already fixed the gradient so that we are at the “main” shade by the time it hits the player names. Even if we lost the gradient (which I think could be a good idea for aesthetic reasons), the yellow would still need to be “poo-gold” to achieve a reasonable contrast.

As far as making the boxes the same color, I considered that (and you can check out lichess for a good implementation of positional indicators), but it doesn’t really change the fact that yellow appears elsewhere on a light background in light mode.

@taatelikakku what do you think of option three?

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 8.39.12 AM

As a dark mode user, you would not be exposed to “poo”. The contrast ratio would be suboptimal, but since dark-theme is not default, and it only affects that one place…

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Isn’t this the exact same original color scheme OP started complaining about? I can barely read it and I can live with it because I’m looking at the goban 99% of time anyway. An actually good solution likely exists but it only needs to be found.

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In fact @GreenAsJade, @BHydden (@runarberg and @taatelikakku too, but you suggested a viable alternative)- I know you’re all dark-theme users, but haven’t voted on the poll!

EDIT: and thanks @Kosh for the early response!

Yes and no. In my mock, the gold-on-light is actually slightly darker, you just don’t notice it because of the I L L U S I O N. It’s still got
the contrast issue though.

But I believe OP uses light mode anyway which is still going to have a darker shade of gold across the site, at least with options #2 and #3 in my poll.

Didn’t vote because i didn’t agree with any of the options, plus i think maybe you wrote it wrong? You said lighten light theme and darken dark theme… Not the other way around?

I did write it the way I meant it, but I suppose it’s not very clear. That’s why I made the mocks in an earlier post.

Right now we’re trying to fix the problem of “golds don’t match in player boxes”. That’s because light theme gold is much darker than dark theme gold, and the white player box uses light-theme gold.

Do you happen have any ideas on better options? Or keep as is?

Maybe it’s just my eyes but I think they both already match well on dark mode and are very readable, and I don’t use light mode (and neither does accessibility) so I don’t think that matters as much?

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Okay! That’s good feedback. The reason I thought the clash was a problem is because of @GreenAsJade’s post above. Happy to hear more input from him, but absent a strong signal from users that this needs to be “fixed” I’ll just leave as is.