Yo average Tournament and More

Everyone join this tournament. We want to set the record for most people.

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Please join​:partying_face::sunglasses::pleading_face:

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please join

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and comment

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This is the best tournament ever. JOIN!!!

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You know, if you want to make a big tournament, you should set the time to a date far in the future, so that there will be a lot of time for people to join.


No, actually you should invite a ton of people and keep pushing the start date back little by little so it stays in the front page of the tournaments section.

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Yes, your method is better, but you should push the start date so it stays (insert time here) ahead of the real date, because the (insert time here) acts as a buffer (you might get hurt, for get, etc.).

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Ya I understand now. It is best to invite people over posting on forums.

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why does no one ever chat in this thread?

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Why don’t you create another tournament
also you should join legendary tournament link will be posted

Because you just tell people to join the tournament

I created a set of tournys

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It is called big tournament, fast, slow, medium fast, medium slow,
And their is a group

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Why did I get a notification for this even though noth8ng happened

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