Your "play signature", the moves you prefer

5 years ago I would have played (1.) B fairly often, even though I already knew at the time that B is a bit slack.
But since AI’s verdict of B being definitely too slack (almost without exception), configurations where I would play B have become much more rare than before.

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Why is no-one else tenuking #12? I thought this is a new cool thing to do?

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It definitely is, but so are A and B and then I would get ABO. I limited myself to only 2 letters per position.

Hah - I reckon ABO would be helpful indication!

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Maybe @aesalon tried to convey ABO with his X-s? Or does he truely have no opinion on those positions?

A, except B for 14.

It is for no opinion since they are so situational. I took the question as local preference only.

I’m here to ruin the stats. :sunglasses:

I’m pretty sure I’ve played most of them differently in games, I answered based on how I perceived them in the present moment.

2 and 6 are the two that I really would ask “what is going on to the rest of the board, so I can choose”. I tend to go for knights (which I know I shouldn’t…) and 10 is my usual “oh no what if I get trapped in there”, jumping out is my go-to these days.

Also, I don’t know joseki. :woman_shrugging: