According to this Europe and China will play team match starting March, 31. The match will be played on Yike go server. Teams consist of 10 boards, the match will be played Nongshim-style (win and continue, lose and get out).
There haven’t been strong British players for 25 years.
People assure me that “Britain has 6ds”, but in reality they’re merely university students from China.
I think that, because we’re isolated from the continent and so our Go scene is so malnourished, it might not even be possible for us to produce 6d or 7d players.
Right, Anton Chernykh 6d is U20 European champion
Lukas Podpera 7d is European Student champion
Maybe Benjamin Dréan-Guénaïzia is here as French representative since France won the European team championship and he is French champion? Or maybe they asked the availability of best-ranked players in order.
It says it’s similar to ogs - in browser, someone can link it and you can watch without signing up. I suppose someone could relay it to OGS for convenience if they wanted?
(This is actually a different link to the above even though it looks the same )
I hope Corona shutdown will act as a catalyst for the West to really commit to serious online Go. That could be our international niche: “the federation that does loads of official tournaments and lectures on the Internet.”
My prediction is Europe will win 3-4 games maximum (but would love to be proven wrong! You never know, any European victory is a huge boost for the team. )
It is quite a strong lineup of Chinese amateurs; in fact all of the big names are on the roster. Not sure how this event has galvanized excitement from either side (watched the full commentary of Game 1 today), but let’s hope that more will tune in as the series goes on