2021 thoughts (since nobody made one)

Like the go player?


O Meien, that joke :upside_down_face:


Ke Jie guys please stop making Pro Go player puns, this thread is for other 2021 news. Thx


I actually agree. One-liner-political-link-100-%-agreement-ping-pong between the same ~5 people where any mildly thought provoking thought gets shunned. I love OGS, but I never imagined I would use and celebrate the mute function! 💁🏽 Cheers! :sweat_smile::+1:

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Don’t Ueno better than make low hanging jokes in here? A Shame.



Being concerned about gun violence is political?


I guess in some (one?) countries it is.



I frequently weep over that poor term confined into the 1x1 cell of the “right vs left” discussion…

When discussing at length the age old (very important) topic of “why isn’t Go more popular in the West?”, I don’t see anyone objecting, probably not realizing how deeply political (in its correct, broader sense) that issue is.

And it’s definitely usually one of the sides that cries bloody murder.

I don’t see many telling the difference between “this seems interesting, I’m going to leave this here (and jokes if possible)” and “I’m going to take this slim opportunity to make the one point I make everywhere, because if I don’t I’ll burst”.

And if I’m being blunt, I do wonder if anyone would just come out and say “well, I don’t find crimes against human life worrying, because the opposite in some way might get in the way of my leisure”.
The last few posts that caused some feelings were about human losses and I can’t honestly tell what the objection is. That they didn’t happen? That they don’t matter? That good and well they happened?

Beats me.


Just what human rights are you concerned that we might lose in the next few decades if dastardly leftists have their way?

And who/what has given you the idea that…


(falling off my chair)

Seriously, that’s a rather hyperbolic statement - what have you heard / seen / read to make you say that?


The change to a post-fossil society will be pretty rough - I do believe that we will go back to doing much more labor manually, today’s production is mainly based on machines doing the work for us, and except for the discovery of an energy source as abundant, and essentially free, as the fossil fuels are, that won’t be possible anymore - that is if we care to bring our greenhouse gas emissions to a halt.

But that society won’t necessarily be a pastoral one - it would be tho if we don’t stop, I’m strongly convinced that humanity is NOT able to deal with a rise of a few more degrees of global temperature.

A few degrees doesn’t sound much, but one could think about it like body temperature - 37, 38 okay, that’s a light fever, 39, gets a bit iffy - 42 and you can be glad if you make it out alive.

Those are pics from the wildfires ravaging Algeria atm.

There is heatwave after massive heatwave plowing through the northern hemisphere atm - and even if we bring all emissions to a halt rn the carbon dioxyde, methane etc. will stay with us for centuries.

I don’t want to indulge in pessimism (like I jokingly did with the we are fucked pic I posted above 2021 thoughts (since nobody made one) - #198 by ResidentSleeperGoClu), but I think we have to be very clear with what awaits us for the next decades - and figure out ways how to adapt to this more violent environment.


Andrew Neil is not my political cup of tea.

He’s seen as a high calibre journalist, or was :wink: - he is seemingly distancing himself from his latest embarrassing media venture.

But when he was still at the BBC he did this interview with Ben Shiparo…

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Another point on the comparison between violent dictatorships and ecological movements: We are effectively sacrificing, rn, see what’s happening in Madagascar for ex., millions of lifes and whole regions of the globe by NOT tackling these issues.

For sure, if we don’t address the issue of greenhouse gases (and some scientists believe it is essentially too late) we are in for more frequent and intense natural impacts on our lives.

However, specifically for what Leidang was talking about, it was his claim that a Leftist response to climate change would lead to an outcome for humanity much like what happened in Kampuchea in the 70s.

His claim is hyperbolic and disingenuous because a right wing, business as usual approach will certainly lead to disaster…

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Yeah, I completely agree with you (see my post just above your’s) - sorry, it wasn’t very clear what and who I was addressing :heart:

A lot of things are surprisingly and unfortunately politicized in the USA, like climate change, universal healthcare, the pandemic, universal education, addressing social injustice and poverty.


Its impossible to stop temperature increase even with 0 emission, it will only slow it down

So I think stopping technological progress makes no sense. We just need to invent tool that able to clean the atmosphere …or invent ways to exist without atmosphere.

And to have time for that we need to temporarily reduce emission.

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I don’t mind these things to be political, they are, what I do mind tho is when people start to argue the very existence of these topics as being based on ideology - that’s just dirty imo, and extremely harmful. US Conservatives have pushed this way of making politics very far. (And I seriously don’t care if saying that might anger some people in this forum) I’m not living in the US, but I follow some of the US politics. The same ways of political discourse are getting, sadly enough, also more prevalent in Europe.

I believe this is linked to the climate change, and an overexploitation of ressources, too. The Arabian spring for ex. is partly rooted in a rise of wheat prices in these regions, which was triggered by a production loss due to droughts afaik.



Sorry if I wasn’t clear- I did not mean to say that to stop technological progress would be a way forward. What is rather needed, imo, is a redirection of research and engineering ressources. Fast driving, powerful electrical cars are for ex. not a sustainable option. What is needed instead are slowly driving, small, light, very low energy consumption cars and public transportation.

I’m not sure how much of your post is irony - tech to clean the atmosphere sounds like sci-fi and very incertain. ? Taking a huge credit with the hope to make someday an invention that might make you able to pay it back is a recipe for bankruptcy, no?

Edit: I read that you don’t advocate to go along as we did before, but to reduce emissions. :heart:

Re-edit: Shoot, I got got by the 3-consecutive-posts limit :sob: lemme finish on this lighter note