Weeeeell, I am fairly certain that it is not as diverse or in-depth as you imply. There is, after all, a limited amount of free time for all of us and let us not forget that I am still waiting for some of your responses on those “amazing” think-tanks you had sent me and the analysis I had written on their “articles”.
I actually enjoy it. I am not very keen on digging into such rabbit-holes, so I like the opportunity a lot.
Which is a respectable position if applied on the nihilistic scale of “all politicians are clowns”, but not really when you get to pick one clown faction over the other and pretend that only one side is clown-less
Expensive? Maybe.
More risky? I do not think so. Even if a tanker fails, the damage is 1 tanker worth of oil. Which is bad, but manage-able (and rare)
Pipelines and oil-rigs on the other hand are responsible for the most massive environment damage on your shores ever recorded. Which is a fact
You are mistaken, but that is to be expected since the vast majority of people go for the standard service and it makes sense that this is the one that you could find documented.
The mandatory service in Greece - back when I served - decreed that you have to serve for 12 months as a soldier. HOWEVER, you can choose to extend that service to 18 months and be trained and serve as an officer which I chose for various reasons that are irrelevant here.
This means that I have some quite the added training and practice even compared to soldiers and low-ranked officers of more active/successful armies. Getting assigned as an acting director in a command division of a whole brigade at 24 years old really makes you work hard on your leadership skills, wouldn’t you agree?
In comparison to the article author that wouldn’t even sign his name under his own article? Certainly
Go and ask them, see if your guess is correct.
Here is the question for them:
Supposing that there is a resource which is finite and in contest. Which do we use first? The one we have on our OWN soil or do we go and occupy and use the contested resources first?
It is obvious that the second way has the most merit:
A) It keeps your own reserves untouched
B) It strikes a blow to your opponents by getting something they wanted
C) It strikes an EXTRA blow to your opponents by forcing THEM to use their stockpiles.
Your grandfathers might inform you that this is, essentially, how the war was won. Germany had to over-reach to get to Russia FAST because their own stockpiles where ending and the rest is, literally, history.
So, really, go ahead and ask them
If we were talking NBA or NFL no it would not. But on this issue, it does. At least I can safely make the judgement that the article is wrong to claim that an idea as long as the mountains is “idiotic”.
OPEC is not “Taliban” though. Here is the map, see for yourself:
As if you are not already importing oil from them? (again, the map above shows this)
What if an alternative does not become available? Then you would have used up all YOUR resources and then be forced to pay premium price for a commodity that is now ever rarer than before.
Plus, you would have put them in a position of power once they know that you do not have stockpiles anymore.
The whole idea is like saying “I will try to eat my own oranges, instead of going to the grocers” … by the time you finish your own stock, the grocer has less oranges to sell and he knows that you ain’t got any. Guess how much steeper his price will be?
Reason says, you buy cheap when the goods are still flowing and keep your own assets close at hand.
If you want a very practical example, never you will find a cheaper price for real-estate than from people that have urgent need of cash. Same here, once an (eme)urgency is created, the person that has some cash stashed for a rainy day will not have to sell his house for half the price. You can ask your grand-fathers about that too
Nothing sort of finally solving nuclear FUSION or having a sci-fi level of solar panel would provide a “definite solution”, so this is a rather unfair scale to judge the issue. As if the current solutions are so much better?
In any case, arguing that something is “not good enough” because it is “not perfect” seems very weird to me. What solution is perfect in life, after all?
I am not very fond of Elon Musk, but I have to admit that when he sets his sight on making things work and keep the publicity rolling, he does make them work and keeps the publicity rolling.
Well, I have never in my life paid for less than 1.3 euros per litre, which is 5.2 euros per gallon or 6 dollars per gallon, so yes that has been the situation even before the 2009 crisis. The price is artificially inflated by the government that mooches off taxes from oil and gasoline.
You’d be surpised and not pleasantly.
Home Ownership Rate in Greece is 74.6 percent (which in practice is higher - houses here are either stone or concrete - they last for generations, so a lot of people have “a house in the village” where the parents/grandparents live which will eventually be theirs if they need it).
Home ownership Rate in USA? 65.3 percent (and you know what a huge crisis rent has become due to the pandemic - a wave of evictions is incoming).
Student debt in Greece? Zero. There is literally no such thing.
Student debt in USA?$1.57 trillion
Is everyone here in a “better position financially”? Hell no.
Is everyone here in a “better position in general”? It can be argued that yes, we are, just from a healthcare stand-point, free public education and differently built society. You can own money to the banks here and the worst that can happen is you get your property confiscated. In most of the States, a bounty hunter can come and kick your ass or even send you to the afterlife.
You are a troll and people who take the time to respond to you are idiots.
Well, I do not really consider myself as smart, but is this time wasted?
I’d argue not.
A) Even when we have some facts and well-based opinions, it is a very good thing to have them habitually challenged and re-examined … we cannot really claim to be 100% correct, after all, so through this process we can refine and improve our views.
B) I firmly believe that a discussion by definition requires two opposing views. As long as there are no insults involved, I think that most discussions are useful to us that take part in them and any potential readers ( if any )
C) Even if someone is a troll (which I do not agree with the assessment in this case), I think that if my opinion is correct/factual, then it should be able to rise to the occassion. I think that dismissing people out of hand just because we think that their opinions are invalid and based on misinformation is not a good thing in the long term.