2022: HOLD MY TEA! đŸ”

I don’t know how these discussions go at the European level, but at the scale of France I can totally imagine the following discussion occurring many times between members of the government:

A- We need to reduce our dependence on cheap Russian fossil fuels now. If we keep increasing our dependence on cheap Russian fossil fuels, it might give Russia too much power and create war problems in ten or twenty years. We need to act now to prevent that.
B- But if we decrease our dependence on these fuels, then the cost of heating is going to increase immediately for all French citizens next winter.
A- Yes. But it will avoid a war later on.
B- So you’re saying that I have to choose between a war in twenty years, or an angry electorate right now?
A- Yes. Surely we want peace. It’s an easy choice. We don’t want war.
B- What happens in twenty years will be for the next government to worry about. We live in the present, not in the future.


Some 10 days ago China eased its covid policy, probably in response to widespread protests against its long lasting zero-covid policy.
But it seems they are now facing a new crisis because the government didn’t use the time during the zero-covid policy to prepare for this easing of restrictions, for example by promoting vaccines and boosters to the elderly, who still have a low vaccination rate.

Virtually everyone is concerned about Ilya except Ilya himself

“I was hoping for a fun game but here we go, classic sansan invasion at move 5, let’s replay the same boring 50-moves fuseki that I’ve played a million times already.”


Just unbelievable how people throw so much money on obvious scams.

Part 2 is just out by the way:

obvious scams

I understand getting duped by a celebrity, but AT LEAST make the scam be relative to the celebrity’s expertise. If Go professional promoted a Go product that was fraudulent, at least that makes sense that you’d believe a professional Go player on Go matters.
But if Cho Chikun promotes a stock or an NFT, that has nothing to do with his professional status, so it is just like taking advice from a random person and investing your money according to what your grocer said or your baker. As you said, really amazing.




Did it ever go live though? I found a similar article from 2021 that claimed that it was still “soonTM” 
 on the one hand it is much better to NOT launch a platform if you know it is not working, on the other hand it makes you wonder what kind of funds were wasted during 3 years of development.


I don’t honestly know, I just remember it being posted here a while ago and shaking my head at it. I treid to google it and guess what
 he released an NFT lol.


It doesn’t end!


Once upon a time he would have sold the kifu of the game. Now he sells an NFT of it.

For $210,000? :grimacing:


Definitely worth it. Under the assumption they’ll find someone else stupid enough to buy it from them for $220,000 of course.

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If it’s not some kind of money laundering scheme.


Lee Sedol retired in 2019 but he was already thinking about retirement in 2013:
At that time, he wanted to “teach and promote go abroad”. Now he probably thinks there is more profitable business.


The eight releases of documents from Twitter show that they did a lot more than that. They became a virtual subsidiary of the FBI. There is a word for that.

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Might be juicy


Game commentary might be fun to watch too


You don’t need NFT tech to sell a collectible commemorating a fleeting moment

Also happy holidays everyone! :christmas_tree: :fireworks: :sparkler:

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