2022: HOLD MY TEA! đŸ”

Not to be outdone, one of our PRIVATE TV stations identified Hideo Kojima as the murderer of Shinzo Abe:

fake news

Is it any wonder why we are dropping like a stone in the global press rankings? :rofl:

Kojima productions tweeted this:

What a timeline to be alive in :slight_smile:

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They say:
The police learned that he had served in the special forces of the navy and used to be a physiotherapy teacher in a medical school for patients with dementia. He was obsessed with Che Guevara (queue Kojima’s photo with a picture of Che in the background :rofl: )

I guess someone was bound to make the mistake.

Not a news network though 
Then again once they played a “funny news” from the Greek equivalent of “The Onion” as real news 
 to be exact they reported that people bought kitchen paper, cut it in half with a saw and then sold it as toilet paper. :thinking:

And in Cyprus they took a “funny covid” article from the same site that inside wrote “A Vice reporter is going around town licking door handles hoping to catch Covid so he can write an experience article about it”

They actually read that on air 
 and didn’t wonder if it was fake :smiley:

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Second day in a row we get a rain with lightning and cannon-like thunder, very nice.

Coming to reduce reuse recycle the hard way.


Our latest wave of farmer protests in the Netherlands started a couple of years ago, but they have intensified in recent weeks. Farmers use tractors to block highways, supermarket distribution centers, media centers and they intimidate elected officials at their private homes. Last week there was even an instance where a policeman drew his gun and shot at a tractor (police firing a gun is a fairly rare event here).

Our export of agricultural products amounts to about 100 billion euros per year, so it is a significant sector of our economy (I think about 10%). But our intensive agricultural sector involves a large number of farm animals and heavy use of fertilizer on an area that is only 0.5% of the US (the largest agricultural exporter in the world) producing about half of US agricultural export (I see many media claiming we’re the world’s 2nd largest food exporter, but this may depend on the used metric). The amount of nitrogen (nitrogen oxides, ammonia) that is deposited is too much to sustain for our small country and because of this, court orders are blocking infrastructure projects to build houses to fix our housing shortage.

So our government needs to restructure our agricultural sector. But our farmers are pissed off, because they have been investing a lot for decades to reduce their ecological impact, but now they are told that it’s still not enough. One point of the farmers is that food is more important than climate change and housing, but I’d counter that by asking why we need to produce far more food in this small country than we need for ourselves.

In a way, I can sympathise with the farmers, but I cannot agree with some of them grossly crossing the line of our rule of law.


Are you sure you export more food than you import?


From what I can find, in 2021 our agricultural export was 105 billion euro and our agricultural import was 73 billion euro.

In any case, with the Netherlands being the most densely populated country in the EU (apart from some microstates), I’d expect us to import more food than we export.


I had watched this some time ago and I was always impressed by the idea of the Netherlands being an exporter of tomatoes:

Be that as it may, that know-how on farming sounds so amazing and maybe groundbreaking if applied by more countries, even on a reduced scale.

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I’m probably somewhat chauvinistic, and I think our agriculture is relatively eco-friendly, but I have a hard time believing that we play a significant role in “feeding the world”. I think the vast majority of the world’s food is produced and consumed locally, not showing up in any import or export figures.

Edit: I do think other countries can benefit from our advances in agricultural science, but I also think it will be difficult for farmers in poor countries to come up with enough money to make the technological investments required to boost their agricultural yields as much as we did. It’s sort of capitalism applied to agriculture.

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Well, videos have to clickbait a bit, but if some of the data presented in there is accurate about efficiency (and they probably are since, as you said, the land that is being cultivated is relatively small) then at least it shows what can be done with the proper money going in.

While this is true, you have to remember that even when poor countries do have the money to do some good things, they are sometimes less organised and more wasteful or unstable in their national policy so they cannot sustain one plan for the long term.

Let’s take, for example, the Greek firefighting planning (I am not touching our agriculture with a ten foot pole :no_mouth: ). According to the data, we’ve spent 1 billion euro from 2016-2020 for it and we are still flying old Canadair and pesticide spraying airplanes, have rundown trucks, almost a non-existent preventing system and practically no forest sustainability and cleaning capabilities.
Makes you wonder “where did all that money go”, eh? :thinking:

Good question :stuck_out_tongue:


Live now:


NASA stream : shows a galaxy 13.1 billion years in the past

Also NASA stream: incredibly choppy footage with buffering problems, audio problems etc.

Jokes aside, it’s very interesting stuff :slight_smile:




I don’t get it. I see no resemblance. Is this a beauty contest?

I think the one is in color?


Ah, the photography fashions of old times

The “visionary eyes”: eyes slightly up and on the side - in every snapshot of every political leader or association president from the 70’s to present


Went to a food festival. What a waste of a day, it’s just overpriced stuff. I guess they sell authenticity(?), like people from all over the country brought their products, it’s not the usual stuff. But it’s all the same stuff, barely any different from supermarket as far as non-professionals concerned. Maybe a lot of people buy it because it’s there and maybe you wouldn’t wanna return empty-handed. But disappointing. Should’ve went to a good old bazaar.