A little game I made to practice counting quickly

That works! Thanks for open sourcing this project :smiley:


I have just added issues to the project for the enhancements suggested so far in this thread, with the exception of the one about time increments, which I did not understand at first.

Edit: added the increment suggestion.


For some of the ideas, it would probably be easier to start over from scratch than to try to re-use any of my code. For instance, displaying score breakdown would require storing the boards in a way where dead stones are already marked (right now there is no scoring involved at all for the computer - it just knows what the correct answer is because all stored boards are B+1).

The increment suggestion was for an earlier version where there was one single timer for a full game, rather than one per board as it is now. Here I can definitely get behind supporting multiple different time modes - although keeping the options limited makes it easier to compare “highscores”.

I also like the idea of different board sizes as a way of varying difficulty. I think to generate a large quantity of positions (especially on larger boards) it would be easiest to filter out some games from the OGS database.

I don’t have much free time myself at the moment, but I might come back to make a “v2” of this in the future. It would also be a nice thing to work on collaboratively, but already from this thread I can see that it might be an issue that different people want quite different things from a tool like this :smile:

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if they can be implemented as modes or forks, then it’s all good :slight_smile:

Resisting the urge to make PRs for all the other community standards :rofl:

Just discovered this, very nice game, thank you for creating this ! ^^

Haha, I assumed there was komi at first too :sweat_smile:

Interesting, I usually count this way too (though sometimes in larger or smaller amounts, like pairs for dead stones, or specific numbers of points for odd spaces, or 10, 12, 15 or 20 for easily recognisable shapes shapes like rectangles of 5x2, 3x4, 5x3, 4x5, etc.)