A review in 24 parts šŸŽ„ (now with polls!)


Iā€™m confused; did black respond locally or not?.. :flushed:

On the previous question: not really, black just made a quick sente exchange and then played elsewhere. The point is that playing P3 in gote is too slow, the sente exchange doesnā€™t change much :slight_smile:

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So, ā€œrespond locallyā€ was referring to P3 specifically?
Because I took it as it just warranted another move locally before playing elsewhere. :frowning_face:

I guess you could say pushing up is not responding locally, since Black still has sente (to tenuki) after white connected. A local response would have been gote.

Black didnā€™t ā€œfixā€ anything with the play in the lower right corner.


The question was poorly posed from me I think :slight_smile:

Itā€™s hard to define what really counts as ā€œresponding locallyā€, but Vsotvepā€™s point that black didnā€™t fix anything is important.

Compare to part 14 - there black needs another move locally, but he handles it with the sente peep at G16. So when I ask ā€œshould black play elsewhere, or does he need another move locally?ā€, the answer is actually ā€œboth!ā€. Black gets to fix up his position for free and then also get another move.

But in this case, black could have tenukied directly (without O4-O5), and it wouldnā€™t really have changed the game much. Black can make that exchange whenever, he just chose to do it immediately in this case.

Anyway, like I said, probably a bad question on my part. I want to go over a similar amount of moves in each part, but not all positions lend themselves to a good quiz. Since I started making quizzes from the beginning Iā€™ve felt like I should try to keep the same format for all the videos, but you can tell that Iā€™ve struggled for some of the parts :stuck_out_tongue:


Which is bigger?

  • A - Make one point at A17
  • B - Make one point at H7 (with the sequence wG7, bF9, wJ7)

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The final quiz!

  • A
  • B

0 voters


Last part!

Merry Christmas :star2: