This forum category exists to converse about Joseki positions. In particular, when questions and comments arise while using the joseki explorer, they will show up here where people can discuss them in more detail.
How does this sub-forum work? What is the way that we are supposed to use it?
I noticed that the JosekiDictionary account has been set up to mirror comments from the joseki explorer into new threads created here. Is that the only way that threads should be started? Or can we directly start new threads here as well? I noticed that the name of the sub-forum has a little lock next to it, what does that mean?
Also, comments from the explorer get copied here, but comments made here in the forum do not get copied back into the explorer, so part of the conversation is partitioned off and missing from the main tool.
Note: it seems that @Eugene explained some of the motivation of this sub-forum in this post:
All great questions
About this topic in general: it is (as you and I both noted) a place where comments in the Joseki Explorer get reflected, here in the forum.
The primary motivation was actually “notification”.
One of the problems with “comments on positions” is that they can go un-noticed. And if the comment is a question especially that’s a bit of an issue. I have questions on Josekipedia that are a year or more old and unanswered
It’s fantastic to be able to use an existing notification mechanism - this forum - to deliver these notifications, because people already know how to control them. Who wants “yet another” set of notification controls.
A side benefit is “visibility” - of the feature itself (the explorer) and the interesting discussions taking place in it.
Probably the main reason is that I’m not aware of a technical means to push a post from discourse into my own application
I guess it’s also a way to have a “side conversation” here, that doesn’t “polute” the Explorer, though that is a somewhat weak rationalisation
I hope that people will click on the link here and comment over there. They may be motivated to do that if only to see what the position being discussed actually is. I don’t know how many people can “read” what Q16,R14,O17,S16,R17,R11 is
I also don’t know how to prevent replies here, otherwise we could do that. Which segues to
The answer is a bit “situational”. IE that lock won’t stay there for long.
This topic was completely hidden (except from moderators) while I was testing the feature.
Right now it is open to “regulars” of the forum only - that lock is telling you that you can see it, but not everyone can. I hadn’t intended for it to be in this state for any amount of time, but anoek is out of town right now, so things “stay as they are” till he’s back.
Note that these messages are being delivered into their own forum “category” so that those who are not interested in them can “mute” them.
The mysterious way to do this is to click on the Category link at the top of this thread, then look for a circle in the upper right. If you click on the magic circle, you get muting options for the Category.’