At the moment the intention is to have this category for these discussions about positions, and one topic per position that gets discussion.
Basically, if someone comments on a position in the server, it will get a topic here, with a pointer to the topic on the joseki chat, and the pointer you can see here back to the position.
The intention is
- to solve the problem that Josekipedia has, which is that comments and questions there go unnoticed and unanswered.
- to stimulate discussion about josekis and positions in the forum
- to stimulate interest in the joseki that are on the server
- by @mentioning the contributor of the position, and the commenter, to give people a means to get notified of discussion about positions they have an interest in using the already-understood forum notification mechanisms
I will be surprised if the volume of these threads hits spam levels - the ones you’re seeing are only because I’m testing - the volume will actually only be when there are actual comments, and comments on a position will go into a thread, so once the interesting positions have threads I think that will “level out”