Ad-hoc Live Rengo: it's not a thing

Couple observations and questions:

  • for me at least, checking the chat is much less likely than checking notifications. The chat indicator always has a 100+ messages and I have no way of knowing one is a rengo challenge (which I would love to accept!)
  • do you have metrics on the idea that there’s no chance of overlap? Like how often do people open a live rengo challenge and then cancel? Is it like once a day? Once an hour? Once a week? I’m having trouble trying to think about this problem without context on how many people are trying. I don’t think the Rengo chat is the best indicator since it’s not very discoverable to people who don’t use Chat

Also anecdotal, I did have a totally spontaneous game the other day with with @mark5000, @Gozart, @monodromy: All are welcome. It was the most fun I’ve had playing Go all year… so that’s why I hate to give up on these completely. But if it really is rare, then I understand


This is also my observation, and it seems like a big missing piece. What’s the idea with not notifying for “official” channels?

There are only one room overflooding the others by the quantity of messages, the main room. Then there are two more, the help and the chat, which could become similar for this.
There is already a section of the setting to activate/disactivate the alerts by categories (tournaments/groups…) so it seems possible to have more of these (main/help/chat/rengo/national/others) and let everyone chose what he wants to be notified.

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Oh got it, so I could potentially turn off notifications from English, and then dedicate the chat notifications to rengo?

I’m not that familiar with chat in case that’s a super basic question.

Edit: oh wait all my unreads are from groups and tournaments not English

Edit 2: how do I subscribe to make Rengo chat notifications show in the top right blue indicator?

Generally there are the follow/unfollow (unread) buttons on the chat page, but they are hidden for global chats. (anoek feared server overload if everyone subscribes to English chat)

You can also (un)follow chats from the chat drop-down


Great question.

I don’t have any metrics - I don’t know (yet?) how to get them.

That said, being obviously interested in this, I do watch it while I’m around, and I “never see” an open live rengo challenge.

Live games I’ve popped into have the appearance of folk who know each other.

“Less likely”. In otherwords “I have to make an effort to check it”

In some ways this is what I was trying to alert keen rengoers to.

I think you need to make an effort to find your fellow enthusiasts and be a bit organised to get games. Because you are so few, it’s not going to just happen, is my observation.

This observation is in response to a pattern emerging which as “hey, we aren’t getting live rengos, we need this feature”. Implement feature. Repeat.

This thread is a bit of a step back and take stock of that.


We played 2 great games last night of live ad hoc rengo.

The live vs correspondence breakout helped a lot.

A plain English description of what rengo is would help too.

Play with other people on teams, alternating turns. Have fun and meet other players.


You should link to the games :slight_smile:

If you add the info to the wiki I’ll add a link from the Play (Find a Game) page …


Something here where people will see it.

Here are the games.


Yes, that is where I will add the link if you add the documentation.

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After waiting around for ~20 minutes with one co-conspirator, I was able to start an ad-hoc live 9x9 rengo just now. It was lots of fun, and everything worked great except our strategy :sweat_smile:

The pre-game chat and organizer controls are excellent! You can let everyone know it’s going to be a few minutes while you check on the players (I kicked out a 42k…) and set up the teams fairly.

Is anyone trying to organize regular live events?


@Gia had mentioned doing this… maybe start a thread for that (if she didn’t already)?


When casual rengo was on beta, Sofiam chose exact time when live challenge will start, so people were able to prepare. And then there were a lot of participants.

So there should be option to set time of when casual rengo will automatically start (if there at least 1 person on each team). That time should be seen on /play page.

Currently only people who can play now join and then wait for unknown, then leave because its no longer “now”.

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People are already doing this, putting the start time in the game name.

I don’t think further support is required than this, in the short term.

There is also change on the way (under review) for “auto start”, which means the game will start when that many players have joined.

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I just created test rengo, closed tab in browser, returned and its not here. For open challenge to survive until chosen time, it should not disappear when creator not here.

Live challenges (of all kinds) are removed when the challenger disconnects. I think this is appropriate: you expect the person to be “live”?

for casual live challenge that will start 2 hours from now, it doesn’t matter if creator is here or not. If creator is here, he still may have internet connection trouble during these 2 hours, and everyone who joined will be kicked, they will not like it and possibly will not return when time comes.


Seems true eh.

I might just manage rengo (casual, or all?) down in the list section, and not use the automatch controls at all.

This would mean you can be in live games as well as live rengo in an unrestricted way, but maybe rengo is ‘rare enough’ that this would not be a problem?


I started this, and then life happened like all the times. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Rengo on Feb. 10
  • I’ll show up next Thursday to play rengo
  • I won’t show up next Thursday to play rengo
  • I want to see the results

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