We’ve just added numeric count down and game voice support for
As well as an american accent english.
Feedback and bug reporting is appreciated!
These languages SHOULD autodetect for you if you have your interface language as either “auto” or specifically set to one of those languages. If it does not, I would like to hear about it!
Would be good to show foreign voice options too.
My OGS is English, but I wanted the voices to be Japanese. Had to change all Text to Japanese, then back to English in order to be able to see Japanese as an option … well hi Hitomi
Never heard about Cantonese in any go server, even at real tournament in Hong Kong, its so amazing.
btw in Korean, we never use 일 이 삼 사 in count down, usually will use 하나 둘 셋 넷, even in other go server or Professional Tournament, so if its possible to change it would be great.
@Myous Thanks for that note, I’ll have that fixed. If it’s not asking too much, would you mind going through the rest of the sound bites (you can play them all on the settings page) and see if there’s anything else that would be better phrased differently? Then I can ask her to make all the changes in one session which is preferable to all
I see that text translate and speech translate are different in options
начало обзора - text - its like title of a book
начался повтор - voice - its telling that something just happened - (ok)
обзор is better than повтор. But even more better is to use начался разбор
( “разбор партии” ten times more results in google than “обзор партии” )
бееми - there is tradition in Russian to write “е” instead of “ё” when its not confusing, but its not Russian word, better to write бёёми, and
бёёми speech sounds like different person is speaking
Осталось 5 периодов, Осталось 4 периода - О sounds like “А”, o is needed
These 2 are not important I guess
Remove the dead stones - its order for user to do something
Снятие мертвых камней - text - its like title of a book
Удалить мертвые камни - voice - its like text on a button, never correct in speech
нужно удалить мертвые камни fixes this, but still sounds not nice
удалите мертвые камни - order for user to do something - still sounds not perfect
I don’t know what is better sounds
удалите - translates “delete it! (computer sense)”
снимите - translates “remove it! (real life sense)”
отметьте мертвые камни - would be more logical
translates “select the dead stones” - why English don’t use it?
It’s hard for me to follow what you’re noting. I hired a translator to translate our voiceover script from english to russian, and then a russian voice actor to speak the script. If you have better translations, please let me know what they should be.
I had checked about Japanese, Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin.
In Japanese it’s no problem. but maybe i have have some suggestion.
About “Byo Yomi”, this is Japanese, and in English terms most of the terms are in Japanese, then no problem. But in Korean, its call 초읽이(Cho-il-gi), in Cantonese and Mandarin it’s call 讀秒. And add “start counting” in Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin would be better, In Japan and English just “Byo Yomi” is fine.
Mandarin: 开始读秒
Cantonese: 開始讀秒
Korean: 초읽기를 시작합니다
For the other suggestion, in “Master Volume” i heard about the English version is “5 period left”. But in Cantonese and Mandarin, we usually will not use “時段” for “period” in Go count down, we will use “次”, and Korean use “번” is better than “단계”.
In Mandarin would be"還剩5次", and in Cantonese would be"重有5次", in Korean is “5번 남았습니다”. Japanese is find.
Also i have check the other terms in that 4 language, its fine.
If you need more help please let me know.
simple problem №1 - text translate and speech translate are not same
simple problem №2 - both translations have problems
Byoyomi - better text “Бёёми”
Review started - better text and speech “Начался разбор”
Remove the dead stones - speech just not correct and … its complecated
I think English original is not perfect. Its not real goban and stones, after 2 passes there is interface to select dead stones, not remove them, they are removed in some sense after(later), not directly by user. User should be asked to select them.
Direct translation of Remove not sounds nice in Russian.
Its better to use translation of “select the dead stones” - “Отметьте мертвые камни”
As an additional note on the Mandarin voice translations, it’s not a huge deal but for the game started/paused/resume 游戏 feels a bit odd. 对局 would feel a bit more natural to me.
I agree with Myous about “byo-yomi” as well. 开始读秒 or something along those lines would feel better.
Is it me or Japanese sounds weird or robotic? In two syllable counts they pronounce syllables separately. Like ha-chi, i-chi. Would be nice to hear what knowledgeable people think. (I like softer counts like https://youtu.be/77U_or7BvSM?t=1m35s)
It sounds slightly like robot in every language
But Its not for us to decide sound of not our language.
In normal speech ichi usually reads like ich, without i in the end
But in Japanese songs spelling each vowel is norm. I guess its wrong to use ichi on this site, but my Japanese is weak.
Random native is needed, they are always better than professional language learner foreigners. In every USA movie when Russian person speaks, he sounds not naturally.
Well for the record these are native speakers from those countries, so they should sound pretty right! Excepting of course when I gave them bad translations, garbage in garbage out and all of that…
forgive me if this is an ignorant question… but if you have native speakers doing the voice recordings for you, and you are at least able to communicate with them personally in a business sense… why do you need the translator middle man? couldn’t the native speakers decide for themselves which statement would sound most natural?