Admiring Go logos (originally OGS group logos)

Too many “inside references” … logos are like jokes … if you have to explain them, then they didn’t work in the first place :wink:

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thank you for your opinion, that’s not mine :wink:
Also I explain to you, but this logo is dedicated to Rhône Alpes community and it will work with them more than the internet community, that’s for sure =)


I mean, “the hexagon” is a common nickname for France but of course the vast majority of the time we just say “France”.


But it’s even a rather formal nickname. For example used in news reporting:

“Heatwave coming to the Hexagon next week” but Google translate translates Hexagone to France.


It’s used by Renaud a popular french singer (who use popular words too) for one of his song. That doesn’t prove the unformality although as there is a lot of irony in this song.

There are 2 versions, the first looks to use a better english, but the second has interesting notes on the historic context.

On the same site there are a german and an italian translation.

russian translation

Argentine Go Association’s logo:


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Current icon for BadukClub

New icon (planned)


Hmmm, think I like the current one better FWIW :man_shrugging:

Getting some mad Taiwan vibes off that haha :taiwan:

I’m wondering about those graphics, what is the blob of land off the coast of California? Where are the British Isles, where’s Iceland, where’s Greenland, where’s Cuba and Puerto Rico?

I think the yin-yang lines would be nicer if they somehow fitted within the Atlantic, which is easier with a geographically accurate map, since the Atlantic is quite a bit wider than it appears here


These logos based on a world map are ok if the part of the world you show is the main interest but if you want to promote all over the world, it’s then, maybe not the best idea. I find the Ohio go logo very dark and hard to read too.

If you are using dark mode, then the black of the Ohio won’t stand out against the grey of your screen.

For the globe :earth_americas::earth_africa: logos there is no such thing as a view if the glove which shows the entire planet, and yet everyone is aware the globe contains all countries, no?

Additionally, the focus of is indeed North America, South America, and Europe (not so much Asia :earth_asia:)


Then that’s ok.

Well everyone is aware that you focus on a specific part of it.
Russia is not part of your focus too? Thailand? Australia?

Yucatan peninsula (part of Mexico), islands were not included, it is certainly a stylized map.

That being said I made the icon using a freely available SVG I found online instead of tracing the map myself. Perhaps I should go back and redefine landmasses myself.

As a reminder though, the icon will typically be seen at around 20-60 pixels in diameter. So an effective icon should not have too much detail and should instead be recognizable at a distance or while small.

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Russia has an amazing Go community! And Thailand, Australia, Singaporean New Zealand, India, etc are all important to me. Rotating the globe to include them would remove north and south America.

Perhaps I need two icons, one for each side of the planet.

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Join me as I energize go clubs, produce free baduk media, and map the weiqi world!

(From your website)

Are you sure you will join players who’s place are even not in the logo?

I think the concept is wrong or yes maybe with 2 sides of the globe. There are full projection of the globe too like peters (or just another idea)

Well, my problem isn’t that it doesn’t show all countries, my problem is that there’s space where I’d expect countries to be, that aren’t there (and in case of the blob west of Mexico, something that is there that I wouldn’t expect).

Here’s a tracing I just did, for the fun of it:

Another one, rotating the yin-yang symbol a bit:

Only the tracing (feel free to use it, first one is smoothed a bit):


Now there is something more, it’s how the yin yang divides this face of the world on two opposite parts.
Not really expressing your wish to join all players together.

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Yes, true.
Not sure AGA wants to go into world politics.

Reminder this is titled Logo appreciation thread.

That aside, I always appreciate advice as it can help me grow. But i respectfully disagree with you. Yin Yang is the mixing of differences and the balance from uniting them. Also, planet has night and day. The original icon uses a straight line for that reason, but logos are allowed to be stylized and not just i exact photo of the earth from space.


Thank you for the tracings! I really appreciate that as I’m super slow at such things.

I dislike how South America looks, the shape while accurate I’m sure, is nearly unrecognizable. Also where is Antarctica?

I wonder if it’d be possible to shrink the space of the Atlantic. I know it’s not realistic, but the key is to have an icon that instantly looks like a globe. Looking at the image at 40px i no longer can quickly tell it’s a globe.