Admiring Go logos (originally OGS group logos)

My appreciation is honest in itself. I’m sure you have good reasons and put some effort into it but that doesn’t make it a success. I didn’t criticize the gross representation as i myself understand the logic to be simple (although a few players may not appreciate to not be a part of the world but ok It’s a logo) My criticism are not against you but made in a constructive way to help. Especially because you want to join players.

US flag :us_outlying_islands: and Puerto rico flag :puerto_rico: for reference.

White five point star in blue on one side with red and white on the other side is classic US. I appreciate being made aware it looks similar at first glance to Taiwan but it’s clearly not a shout out to them.

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The icon is a graphic of a GLOBE, of which ALL go players exist on. Your insistence that I’ve purposefully left people off is unkind (and is starting to piss me off).

It’s an image that would be impossible to keep as a circle while showing all the countries. I love all Go players all over the world and I work tirelessly every day to serve them for free and then you offer unasked for criticism and insist I don’t care for these people.

The view is slightly from the north, otherwise it’s impossible to fit both North-America and Europe recognisably on the picture:

I thought to give each of the Americas, Africa and Europe prominence in the picture, sacrificing the view being straight from the equator.

Something that has to look like a globe, looks like the tracing I made, since that’s what a globe looks like. Something like a Mercator projection cut out onto a circle may be more recognisable as a world map, but won’t look like a globe (at least not to me). It would then be the question why Asia and Oceania are excluded, if the image is not a globe to begin with.

If you want, I’m happy to trace another map for you, it’s not much work for me. E.g., you could make a design with an actual map, and I could trace it for you :slight_smile:


See what you want to see then. For me It’s half of a globe no more, and i respect your load of work for weiqi too, no worry on that.

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I guess the real problem is that it’s impossible to fit any three continents completely and easily recognisably on one view of a globe. You either get the Americas nicely, get Europe and Africa nicely, or get Asia and Oceania nicely.


The current icon uses a circular cut out of a Mercator projection. Could you make a trace for me like that? Actually, could you make two, one for current view and another for the “other side”. I know it won’t be a proper globe, but I think it’ll look more recognizable.

Ah, thank you for explaining Antarctica, that makes sense. Leaving it off is fine I’d rather have more of Europe and North America.

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Yes i think there is a problem from the very start with the logo concept. I did myself think in the same way some times ago and went into a wall as other projections of the earth are pretty not useful in a graphical sense for a logo.

In that case, one could just take the whole mercator projection:

The emoji also split them up into three:

:earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia:


The peters projection works like a triangularisation of the globe, then you cut it a bit to put it flat (which still leave some interstices)

This way you have the most conservation of surfaces and distance. But it doesn’t look anymore like a globe.
It’s kind of paradox but when you want to represent the world with a globe, you give an ethnocentric view of it with your place only being at the right size.

I like the Dymaxion projections, which projects the globe onto an icosahedron. But honestly, no projection is really any good, in the end.


Yep looks pretty hard to draw a logo from that

Be kinda fun to use it as is :rofl::heart:

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Just like “boot” for Italy! :smile:

“The boot (Italy) is boiling in the south”


Not that I dislike the current logo, I think it’s nice enough, but in case you’re looking for other projections which do different things, but maybe look less familiar. Some might do what you want though, and there’s a list of pictures which I like :slight_smile:

Like these ones ^^ and others.


I think HEALPix is my favourite.

If you want some map-based concept that:

  1. Has something go related
  2. Shows the whole world
  3. Tries to be as little ethnocentric as possible

Disregarding beauty, I would go with two circles: a stereographic projection of the whole northern hemisphere, and a stereographic projection of the whole southern hemisphere. These are centered at the poles, which are relevant geographical points and not part of a single country. All countries across the earth equator get cut into two parts, but that is not limited to a single local region, happening instead on many continents.

The fact of them being “two circles” can be used artistically to let them be go stones.

Sorry for the quality and mismatching style of both images, but these are the images that I managed to quickly find on the internet that show what I mean:


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Alternatively, the same concept of choosing north and south poles as centers can be used with other projections (say perspective, which should actually “look like a globe”, or orthographic).


Cool idea! I actually hadn’t considered this.

Since we’re talking globe views, can’t believe no one’s thrown out Naenara’s logo! The one proper representation of a globe:
