Alphago new josekis

Thanks (a lot!) @mark5000 for having collected these (see puzzles)
Surely I am not the only one who ask himself if I should go burn some of my go books but first I would like to know if our beloved professional players did plan or even start to write some wonderful commentaries on this new material.

Could we at least point where to read some detailed analysis?

I’m not aware of any detailed analysis by anyone. Actually, I’m writing a book about this tentatively titled “mark5000’s Opening Manual.” It’s painstakingly slow to write, and I’m aiming for sometime in 2019. Until then, here’s some resources:


That was a quick and detailed answer.
And your project is all what I hope.

I don’t always study from a joseki dictionary, I like to read it like a good story too. I missed already an update of Ishida, and even more now with Alphago

One of the largest resources on the subject is the Alphago vs. Alphago series on the Official AGA Youtube Channel. It also includes commentaries on the Lee Sedol and Ke Jie matches.

4 Likes by Antti Törmänen 1p

by Yuan Zhou 7d AGA


For french speakers, another excellent presentation by @Deodred that focuses on two josekis

It’s labelled #1 so I guess there’s more to come.

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I would be really interested in some resources that help me understand the new alpga go fuseki in general.
When I play white I see a lot of large knights move enclosures and I’m never entirely sure how to handle them. On the other side, I tried playing the 3-4 6-3 and the 3-4 6-4 enclosures with black, but I’m not sure how to fully utilize it.

Welcome to the club :slight_smile: I think that’s exactly why for years the pros have favored small knight enclosures.

See my link to the Alphago vs. Alphago commentaries. I recommend to start with the older commentaries as usually Michael Redmond doesn’t repeat the explanations.

btw two thumbs up for the Amateur blog on AlphaGo sequences, thanks @mark5000 for sharing.

I can’t check Facebook/YouTube but for the other ones, I did and it’s amazing. Thanks.

Latest issue of Myosu magazine has some ncie articles on AG joseki innovations.

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Just released a few days ago.
I would love to read some opinion on this new book.

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And where’s the link? The leeeeeeeeeenk?

Here’s the link: :wink:


Episode 2 (in French too). If you thought the 3-3 invasion was a simple joseki… :slight_smile:

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Wow, didn’t know the channel, I really enjoyed watching it. Not sure if it’s because I’m french but I thought the teacher was very clear. Love it!

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Episode 3 of this French series focuses on refutations of the Kobayashi fuseki.

Some of this material (Kobayashi notably) has English coverage from some time back as well. I’m not sure if the French takes it further maybe?


I had forgotten about that one! Interestingly there is very little overlap between the two.

“gennan” mainly analyses the human joseki, which considers that a one-space white approach is too close and prefers a two-space approach. He only tackles the one-space high approach in the last 10 minutes.

Off the bat, the French one dismisses the two-space white approach and focuses on the one-space approach (high or low). According to the presenter, this cannot be found in pro play and the main reference is the AlphaGo Lee vs. AlphaGo Zero games.
[edit] If you’d like comments in English on the one-space approach, check out the Lee vs. Zero games on the Official AGA Youtube Channel. Pick the games where AlphaGo Lee has black.

The conclusion is that the Kobayashi opening is not good for black.

White’s best response to the pincer is the 3-3 point. Then my LZ analysis tells me that move 5 is better at N5, which I didn’t expect. O5 would be more standard.


Reposting here Nick Sibicki’s lecture on the 3-3 invasion. It differs from the French lectures, even if there’s some overlap.

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