I can tell you about my own experience as a DDK. When I was around 18k (you said 10k, but you seemed to be talking about all weak players in your message), I read Bad Habits at Sensei's Library, which among other things brought me to read Speculative invasion/discussion at Sensei's Library.
I was forced to draw my own conclusions (for example my personal criterion for what counts as “rude invasion” is “if I’m sure that I could defend against it, it’s rude to hope/assume that my opponent wouldn’t, and an insult to their time and intelligence – unless it’s a handicap game and they’re weaker, I guess”), but from the discussion in that page I realized that there are people that have very different ideas about what’s considered rude while playing Go. As it happens with any kind of etiquette, I imagine.
So yes, for a long time I was worried about offending my opponents, even if they were at the same level as me. So much so that for my first games on OGS I had prepared an apologetic message that I would send at the start of every single game in chat. Something like “I’m a beginner so please forgive me if I do something rude”.
And I’m pretty sure I resigned multiple times out of fear of offending my opponent, even though I wasn’t even 100% sure I had lost, and even though I was aware that playing the endgame through would have been instructive for me. I still feel that playing the endgame through is instructive, but I always feel the peer pressure to resign if I know I’ve lost, so I ask my opponent’s permission to keep playing if I want to.
My experience is not necessarily exemplary of a typical beginner/newcomer, since it’s in my character to worry too much, but there it is.
Also, there is the distinction I just made: I learned Go on my own for quite a while before ever coming on OGS and playing other people. As a result, I was already over the 20k hump when I had my first contact with the Go community, so not really a “beginner” in the usual sense, but definitely a “newcomer” and someone unsure about etiquette. Since I don’t play often, I still am unsure, in fact
(btw, this caused some of my opponents to be confused, though hopefully not offended: here I was, winning against them and calling myself a beginner. Worrying that it might offend them, I therefore changed the message to “I’m new to the Go community” instead of “I’m a beginner”)