Are you a developer? Want OGS on a mobile device? (OLD Android and iOS app development thread)

I’d like to also bring up Sabaki as a possible starting point. It’s already written in html5 (and quite beautifull) and has a nice interface to command line go clients.

Creating a command-line tool to play on OGS (I think one would need to speek the GO Modem Protocoll here) could be a viable way to get a Desktop Client, as well as a relatively easy road towards a iOS and Android client.

Prototyping this comand line client in python is something I could do - for the iOS & Android port however, python IMO isn’t an option. Does anybody know?


Has there been any progress on an Android app?



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I’m a developer and would be keen to contribute and review code. I suppose react-native would do the job for the mobile app!

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578 posts were split to a new topic: “Online GO” App for Android

26 posts were split to a new topic: Surround - iOS client for OGS

A post was split to a new topic: Variation thumbnail in chat feature request

As you can see, this huge thread was split up:

@MrAlex’s OGS client app for Android**:

@HongAnhKhoa’s OGS client app for iOS:

and finally, @HongAnhKhoa’s “variation thumbnails in chat” feature taken as a suggestion for OGS itself:

Please let us know If there is more in this thread that you think should be moved elsewhere or to a thread of its own (we now have a sub-forum 3rd Party Apps for OGS).

Thanks all :heart: for your awesome contributions!

Closing this thread now.