Are you worried about coronavirus?

I still expect it to end pretty quickly but it’s spreading around. And I’m starting to get worried. All these go events cancelled, who knows how log it’ll last. And probably the healthcare system of my country isn’t ready for something like that.

What about you?


I wash my hands thoroughly, avoid touching my face, and wait for things to come.


There is map of existing cases ( e.c. = total confirmed - total recovered - total deaths )


Speaking only as someone in the U.S., I think it is too early to be seriously concerned abut contracting the virus. However, serious economic effects have already occurred and may get worse, and disruptions to the food supply could occur. I am therefore already stocking up on nonperishable foods. I always wash my hands frequently anyway, and I have never been fond of crowds. Ironically, I just finished reading, in early January, Daniel Defoe’s great work, A Journal of the Plague Year. The parallels are pretty impressive.


There are many recovered in Italy. It may only mean, that outbreak was long ago just only now they were discovered - when they already nearly recovered

I don’t believe there is no one in Russia, they just weren’t discovered. There is huge border with Heilongjiang, Mainland China, a lot of Chinese people work here and in Heilongjiang confirmed 480


I guess some of us are in the older brackets :wink:

It’s a curious thing to know whether to worry or not - it’s very contagious, so the infected numbers are high, but not very fatal…


After all the fear mongering that came with swine flu and bird flu, I’m having trouble drumming up even mild concern over this arguably much more serious disease.


Why is it arguably more serious?

I guess the fact that it seems to be highly contagious is very serious, but the low mortality rates offset that a lot, don’t they?


If few people will be infected with high mortality rate virus, few will die.
If very very many people will be infected with low mortality rate virus, many will die.


Speaking as someone who monitors it daily for a job and reports directly to strategic level decision makers, it’s not trivial and you should expect to encounter it.

For instance, when Iran was reporting just under 300 confirmed cases, the estimate for total cases in Iran was just over 18,000.

You are highly likely to encounter it via community within the next year to date.

The real issue is not the deathrate, but the economic impact it will have on you and your country.


Paired with an imminent crisis at our borders, yay :unamused::unamused::unamused:




Me? Greece, but yes, Turkish borders.


I’m Italian and as a lot of Italians I’m following carefully all the relevant information that can help me to better understand. Knowledge is the key as usual.

Status in this moment in Italy (80 million of inhabitants):

  • 18.500 people tested
  • 1.128 people found positive to Coronavirus
  • 29 deaths (all older than 65 years)
  • 50 recovered
  • +50% of infected people report few or zero symptoms and are simply confined at home
  • around 45% of infected people report symptoms like a strong influence and can be or not hospitalized
  • around 5% need intensive care hospitalization
  • the death rate is actually less than 3% and in the great majority (if not all) of the cases death people were old patients with several pre-existent diseases and complications.

I leave yourself to evaluate what it means in terms of the severity of the situation. What I can remark is only one thing: ask yourself how many test have been done in your country.

My personal feeling is that other countries don’t want to face the same panic and economic disruption suffered in a few days from China, South Korea, and Italy. So they are really careful to make tests and/or diffuse real and transparent information. And… having seen what happened in few days in Italy and how the masses react to this information probably they are right…


Thank you for providing a first-hand Italian perspective. I hope that you and your loved ones remain safe and well during this ordeal.

I think you mean to simply say “how many tests have been done”. The word choice of “tampons” is probably not what you intended.


I still struggle to understand why this virus should imply economic disasters.
It only spreads from wet saliva. It dies after few hours on dry surfaces.
Why should I be worried about food supplies?
Why should I rush to the local store and buy lots of pasta and wheat flour?
I’m Italian and this is happening all around me and I don’t get why.

Every day many more people die of flu than coronavirus. Leaving alone street accidents or other reasons.
Why a handful of deaths should endanger commerce or logistics or whatever?

My only answer for now is ignorance combined with news speculation. Self calling journalists that are plunging a country in chaos for clicks and ad revenues. So sad.

Edit: That was a first thought on something new. My mind has changed since that.


How do we know this?

Does it matter - how ever it physically spreads, it’s clearly highly contagious: one person’s trip back through Europe left a trail of infected sites. I don’t think he was spitting on people…


Hope a little satire is acceptable in the circumstances

If you do get the coronavirus, self-isolate from any still-viable economic units until recovery or ‘complete systems failure’.


Yes thanks, in Rome (around 4 million inhabitants) 6 cases at the moment (3 of which recovered).

Auch… :blush: only now I realize that tampon is a false friend.
I meant swab. :sweat_smile:


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

#CloseEnough :heart: