Are you worried about coronavirus?

just use not English name and time codes


He wears mask wrong, nose not protected


Cho wears glasses. Most masks (except high-end ones) fog up the glasses, depending on the temperature and humidity level in the room. More important is the fact that it is very bad for asthmatics and others with respiratory problems to breathe in carbon dioxide. I have heard doctors say that the health risk to such people is much greater from this than from COVID-19.


My sister wears glasses and is an alphabet of respiratory problems. The second part being the reason she is absolutely required to wear a mask. Her specialist pulmonologist doesn’t joke around.

You can remove the mask if you feel you’re out of breath, you can’t remove the virus if ICU gets overcrowded.

P. S. Also let’s not overlook the fact that the mask protects others from possible infection by cavalier “nose-out, hands all over” mask wearers.


Fact? Are you sure about that? I guess that depends on who you are asking.

To Mask or NOT to Mask? Scroll down to the beginning of the section “Here are 12 FACTS that we KNOW”. Scientists, mask manufacturers, and world health institutions weigh in.

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I also wear glasses, but I sewed masks with a wire over the nose and didn’t have any problems so far. But yeah, the mask in the picture doesn’t look like there’s a wire.


People tend to forget a doctor is someone who got a degree from medicine school with a grade anywhere between 5/10 and 10/10. That’s it.
If we choose to ask any self-proclaimed “specialist” that’s on us.
It’s a fact that a barrier between two things acts as a barrier (I’m not judging the efficiency on 0.1 microns against 0.09 microns etc, let’s just don’t.)
People can whatif all they want just for the hell of it, I’m not interested. Also the earth is NOT flat, girls are NOT bad at math by design and calories you consume while standing DO count. People have debates on those, with “sources”, “facts” and all but… really? We’d bother?..

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2 in 1 deal. I’ll just leave this here

First of all, that site also claims that fruit cures cancer and that vacines are bad for you. If you want to increase your chances of needlessly dying of diseases that are usually preventable or curable, then it’s a great source of information.

But if you actually want to know what masks do, you should ask people who actually study the thing they talk about. Such as fluid dynamicists.

As for what masks actually do, it depends highly on the mask.

The main thing every mask does, is to prevent your breath (especially after coughing or sneezing) from travelling far away. You won’t be as contagious over distances if most of your exhumed air stays close around you (at least long enough for droplets of water to drop down or evaporate completely). Note that this implies the mask is only effective if you also keep social distancing, otherwise you’ll stand in each others cloud anyway.

Take a look at the following footage of what air does after a cough with and without a mask and while speaking (around the 5m mark, but you should probably watch the whole video):

So masks stop the wearer from spreading the disease to others. Even quite simple masks will help with this, as long as they stop the air from flowing.

For protecting yourself, you need fine filters in the mask, and it has to seal properly around your face, in order to do its work to protect you. However, this kind of mask is only important if you are in an environment with a lot of illnesses floating around (such as a hospital). They are also quite uncomfortable, and need to be refreshed regularly.


Can I yebellz (verb form)?
If the goal is to increase the chances, that site is a great source of information, since it offers valid information to achieve that goal, non?


Wearing a mask is as much (if not more so) about protecting others as oneself


For what it’s worth, I was diagnosed with cancer almost exactly one year ago from today. I used information on that website. I stand today cancer free.

It sounds like you are saying that nobody can be believed, there are no “facts”, truth cannot be known, and all information is nothing but observation, speculation, or personal opinion. Am I interpreting your post correctly? Just looking for clarification so that I might understand your response.


I assume this means you are in support for the upcoming Coronavirus vaccine? Because I won’t. So does that make me one of them, a crazy anti-vaxxer, in your eyes?


So you were lucky, congratulations on defeating cancer.

But cancer doesn’t have to be deadly, reasonably often your body can defeat it on its own (it actually does this almost continuously, cleaning up cancer cells). But, sometimes it does not. In those cases, we have had decades of research about how to defeat cancer, and there are certainly methods that are a lot more effective than eating fruit.

Also, this is an anecdote, not really valuable from a scientific standpoint. I know several people who did use medication, chemo- or radiotherapy, and were cured of their cancer. I also know people who did nothing and died, and I know people who did therapy and died. So now we have some more anecdotes. But does this tell us anything about the effectiveness of fruit / medication / therapy? No of course not. You need to test that properly to say anything about it.

I think we need to be careful about an upcoming vaccine, but I do support vaccines undoubtedly, including a vaccine against the coronavirus. Together with antibiotics they are the main reason we grow older than 70 on average.


The topics discussed here matter to us, and they clearly matter to you all, too. At the same, this forum is wholly unsuitable for any statements that might resemble medical advice. Most of us are not doctors and can’t know the details of your medical situation. As a result, let’s stay away from medical anecdotes and keep this topic about coronavirus concerns.


Disclaimer: Preliminary report.

Yes, it’s 50 minutes. Also yes, I believe you should watch it.

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USA once had +39k cases in 1 day
Brazil just had +55k and now it has more than million cases too
Unbelievable, but USA may become №2

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What a grim competition. I reckon many countries might be experiencing a second wave by now. Mine certainly is, due to a combination of irresponsibility and self-complacency; we were on the way out, but started getting too comfortable.

@Gia (I don’t know how to quote YT video), I hope we keep buying time for effective treatments to emerge, and eventually even a vaccine. For example, I honestly don’t know what to think of what’s being done here: Costa Rica has invested a lot of efforts on working with convalescent plasma, but results are somewhat ambiguous (that is, they say they are working, but as compared to what?).

I do not know how we conduct those studies, but I don’t like the idea that something is taken to be effective “on faith”. It was not a month ago that Social Security services finally stopped using hydroxicloroquine, even though it had been long shown ineffective—and even dangerous.

Overall, the Health Ministry is still keeping everything in check, and working hard to prevent a disaster. But people’s spirits are eroding away. I wonder for how long will the general population continue to listen; we too have not been immune to xenophobia, racism and conspiracy theories.


I think the next wave of “insurgents” will be people who will sneak vaccines from the country who gets it first (whoever that is, I don’t put it beneath anyone to develop it and try to keep it to themselves/ sell it in outrageous prices) to other countries to treat people.

I imagine movies in 50 years from now, portraying people using tiktok videos to arrange vaccine safe drops in outbreak areas.

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“Meanwhile in Russia”

Soccer championship was resumed, but team of Rostov city was infected, so it was replaced by kids. They lost 1:10

