Are you worried about coronavirus?

Well, it’s night here right now, but this afternoon, yes.

London as well


Just seen that ad on worldometer and it reminds me of quote from Albert Einstein

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.


I am to take from S_Alexander’s last post and the fact that it has been 4 days since anyone posted on this thread, that the pandemic is well down the agenda now.

Meanwhile, the UK yesterday took the dubious distinction of having more daily deaths than the rest of Europe combined.


We are having a rise in cases, because people have started coming in (and going out and about). I’m afraid we will become an epicentre of the pandemic so late in the game, after working so damn hard to avoid it.

I think the world right now is the equivalent of having to feed 6-month-old quadruplets.


% of deaths of total cases

France 19,02% wave ended
Belgium 16,24% wave ended
Italy 14,40% wave ended
UK 14,21%
Netherlands 12,74% wave ended
Mexico 11,87%
Sweden 10,80%
Spain 9,42% wave ended
Ecuador 8,50%
Canada 8,16%
Ireland 6,64% wave ended
Romania 6,55%
Switzerland 6,21% wave ended
Indonesia 6,00%
World 5,82%
USA 5,70%
China 5,58% wave ended
Brazil 5,43%
Iran 4,87%
Germany 4,73% wave ended
Poland 4,47%
Portugal 4,31%
Egypt 3,75%
Colombia 3,13%
India 2,82%
Turkey 2,76%
Peru 2,75%
Pakistan 2,06%
Russia 1,23%
Chile 1,18%

countries with at least 1000 deaths are in the list
some of possible statistical disturbances:
high % may be when there are too many unknown cases
low % may be when wave only beginning to rise or they count deaths because covid instead of with
“wave ended” I did just by shape of new cases graph


This will help you. But i still don’t get it. WHY!?


A range from 1,18% to 19,02% has no meaning for me, but this is what the chilly numbers apparently say.
It would be interesting to compare this numbers with national healthcare system quality index (if a such index exists), or with % of population with age above 70 in that country, or … I don’t know. There is a lot of noise in those numbers and is not sure which are the countries where the noise is coming from. They way to count the covid-related deaths is different in each country. Also the fraction of unknown (or uncounted) persons affected by coronavirus is different, consequently the denominator to get the percentage is almost a random number.

Imho, a renormalization of that numbers - made using a common protocol to count in a standard way deaths and infected people - should be made to make this numbers a little more convergent around a common average.


As I understand there’re massive protests all over the world now. This should lead to a giant spike of cases, right? There’s no way a puny mask is any help in these crowds of people.


I’m not sure. From what I hear masks give a somewhat decent protection against infection through larger droplets, but as good as none against aerosols. Aerosols are a much bigger problem when you are in closed rooms. The protests are outside though. So it might be less bad then one would intuitively think when seeing the images of the crowds. But even if I am right about this, the protests surely don’t help. (With covid that is. I have some hope they might help a tiny bit against racism in the long run.)


Puny masks actually make a difference as Covid-19 normally travels through water droplets and a 3-ply mask normally has a water absorbing layer. The point of the mask is to not spread it instead of not catching it.

The problem is it can also spread through direct and non-direct contact. So stay home. No point of protesting.


What I understood is that covid-19 virus size is 100-150 nm in diameter. Aerosol is defined having a droplet dimension range between 1 micron (1000 nanometers) and 1 nm. This means that more than the half of what we call aerosol is a potential vehicle able to contain one or more viruses in it.

With the start of good season, the sun is able to convert the most of smallest droplets into vapor in few seconds (evaporation) leaving eventually the virus without protection. In that way the UV rays in a sunny day should destroy the lipidic protection of the virus.

The problem remain for the larger droplets or for the area where humidity and fog are the norm in this period. Just for your information, Lombardy in Italy is famous for its long lasting days with deep fog during winter season. Foggy days there, can also popup randomly until late spring.

The mask is more effective for your droplets (protecting others) than the contrary but I would expect some filtering effect also in the opposite direction.


Googling LOTR memes because of Lord Of The Rings GO memes (scroll down)
Then see that:


We had a spike in cases during the long weekend (:roll_eyes:) and they’re even considering tightening things if it seems to get out of control.

I’m at the office today. What’s outside on the very main street? Protesters. Not the kind you’d imagine. Government employees returning to protesting over whatever, so that they can skip work. Business as usual. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

On the other hand, I’m tired of this. I want to go out and have fun. I don’t know how 3 months passed, but I suddenly feel all the weight of it.


Deaths in Moscow in the last 10 years:


That is sad😭

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There is also protests here in hk but luckily there hasn’t been much cases so I am online less because of school


I feel the world is kind of “over” coronavirus at this point.

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I can’t imagine Cho Chikun wearing a mask. :smile:

I looked for it on Google but didn’t find a pic.


TBH, I think if he was told it’s mandatory and don’t come back without a mask, he’d show up like this

