The time Translation problem occured with german language as it appears in this topic:
Wrong translation on time / german
Maybe @anoek could have a look for Portuguese language too?
The situation described in that thread is slightly different. But i think it could have the exact same cause. I say this because, yesterday, i translated and/or corrected/guessed¹ everything that contained the string “dia” (a search for it includes results where there is a word with these 3 letters inside it). Anyway, there were not that many results. I checked them all.
¹ I made a few corrections of things that seemed misstranslations - i mean, wrong words, and not just small correction of case and word variations. Anyway, after everything done, i saw that it is indicated the language is “pt.po”, which means “portuguese from Portugal”. I was born and live in Brasil (we write it with an “s” here; i refrain from the “z” change, for some cultural reasons; if people from other countries will find it hard to speak correctly it or not, is another problem; “Brazil”, written this way, is still spoken clearly wrong by English born and speaking people… so… i prefer to forget that “z”).
Could “pt.po” explain some errors i saw? This is kind of hard. I help translating projects since a lot of years, with not small contributions, several times. The differences i always saw were minor, and the understanding rarely is compromised between people from Brasil or from Portugal (and sometimes, from other pt language countries too, although i talked with people from them only a few times). I even helped Wikipedia (pt), for some time. In Wikipedia, only one portuguese version is allowed to exist. And it is not bad. Wikipedia (or Wikipédia, for us, in pt) aims to be a “free for all source for all the human knowledge” ever produced. So, editions and new articles from everyone is welcome. But none should make changes that remove words just because in the editor’s language variation the words are different. We have to deal with all the variations, eventually. And if the words, names or anything is different enough to make the idea hard to understand for some people, a comment should be made about this, giving all the names and showing where they are used. So, i eventually find articles with words and small sets of names just for country uses. But the article is only one, and it is reached by multiple URLs, if needed. This happens with English from UK and other countries too. i use english Wiktionary a lot, and it mentions, many times, differences from UK and USA words or spelling. I really like that. (:
My english here has many little errors, bad details… but it is informal. I know them… but i still prefer to write this way, here. “This is very bad… how can you complain about that Z, then?” … well… both languages are alive, in use by hundreds of millions of people. They change. They influence each other. So… let’s not fight about anything. Calm discussions of reasons or point of views are welcome, and possibly culturally enriching.
Let me finish this 20 pages post… kkkkk