Beginner looking for correspondence games :)

so the title says it all, i am looking to play against other beginners, or anyone really, preferably on a 9x9 board, so if ya are interested hit me up…also, i can do live games as well, if we are able to set a time for such a thing :slight_smile:

Hello, I am sowhere about 12k. I am not really keen on playing correspondence 9x9, but if you add me to your friendlist and see me online I’d be glad to play live :slight_smile:

Same for me, I’m around 6k. :slight_smile:
Feel free to send me a corr game request. :wink:

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that sounds good for me…just one question: how do i add you to my friend-list? XD

sure thing, sending one now :slight_smile:

An excelent question :-D. I sent you a friend request to make it simple and be your first friend. :smiley:
But you can find some tutorial here: How do I access my friends list?

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Visit their server profile (not the forum profile), then click “Add Friend”.

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If you are still looking for people to play I am also a beginner and would love to play correspondence