I have tried several bots and in the last day they are not responding at all. I am playing 9x9. If I move first they will time out. If they move first nothing happens. I have tried bergamot, amaranthus, agapanthus. I logged out of OGS and logged back in. I rebooted my computer and restarted my browser. I have played lots of games with bots but in the last couple of days I can’t get them to respond. Not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions?
Can confirm this behavior. @anoek
Amaranthus, Agapanthus, and Bergamot are not working.
Edit: Bouvardia, Carnation, GnuGo 9k, SenseRobot8, Deutzia, Fuego, Echinops as well.
Same experience here for a few days now. Multiple bots.
I am experiencing this same problem. Since the matchmaking change I haven’t had a single game with a bot. They don’t make a move and the game times out.
I thought it was fixed: yesterday I played a game or two with a bot and everything was fine again. Today I am seeing the same “no move” behavior.
I have been having this problem for a few days now. Looking for a solution.
maybe the system is saving resources
This is not on purpose: it’s a bug.
I think we just have to wait for @anoek to deal with this one.
I tried a few just now - they seem to be workingt … is anyone still having problems?
Yes, not working at all, they don’t do movements. Tried fuego and gnugo
Thanks for reporting it.
I have the same experience with Fuego.
I tried 2 other bots and wasn’t able to get a game with them for other reasons.
If a kind person would post here bots known to be working, we could
a) choose those
b) debug the others
c) cull the others from the list while they aren’t working.
We’d need to know the time-setting it’s working with: some bots have a specific problem with “rapid” (~20 mins).
(the general “what’s going on with bots” is being looked into)
Don’t play bots.
Play people!