Can i play somewhere and get a win now and then?

On a PC I know of none. And I think it is kind of lacking to be honest :smiley: I have been playing for almost 2 years and Leela just crushes me almost every time on even the lowest settings. Understandably they are all striving for the best performance, not the friendliest.

On an android there are several apps that I feel are beginner friendly. ā€œCS liteā€ (crazy stone lite) and ā€œGo Freeā€ both seem to have lowest settings quite close to 25 kyu, which should be at least playable for you.

Other than that, my only recommendation is try not to get discuraged. There seem to be a sort of a ā€œbumpā€ for many players, where you just canā€™t win in the beginning (which actually makes sense given how long the learning curve is), but suddenly after some times, you should get over it, and get to the 50-50 ratio, that you will get for the rest of your life :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, as Opuss mentioned, choosing the right opponent is also a big part.
Good luck :slight_smile: