Let’s try, that’s fun!
2 Sakata Eio
3 Go seigen
4 Kitani Minoru
5 Cho Chikun
6 Kobayashi Koichi
7 Kato Masao
8 Takemya Masaki
10 Rin Kaiho
11 Otake?
I think I got them. Most I knew instantly, but the topleft player I know better during his old age, so it was a bit harder.
my attempt
Fujisawa Shuko, Sakata Eio, Go Seigen, Kitani Minoru
Cho Chikun, Kobayashi Koichi, Kato Masao, Takemiya Masaki
Ishida Yoshio, Rin Kaiho, Otake Hideo
Is this the newest forums game?
I like it.
I think I know the second one by his Chinese name but not his Japanese name… First one no idea at all lol
I think
Kawabata Yasunari, writer of The Master of Go. He is a legend as a writer (a Nobel laureate even), not a legend as a go player.
Honinbo Shusai, who was the master (meijin) featuring in that book.
This is too easy. But at the same time, I’m also surprised that many Go players actually do not know their names.
Come on
- Nie Weiping
- Ma Xiaochun
I don’t just know their names, I’ve met them both!
It’s a bit younger generation too. I met them in 2008, wmsg. With Otake.
Go player?
Segoe Kensaku
had to think a bit
Max Rebattu
Correct. I am impressed.
Is it
Chen Zude?
I used the fact I know you are Dutch to help, my first thought was Jurgen Mattern. Having a beard like that was pretty much obligatory for strong western go players of that era.