Capture go problems ⚫

Let’s switch things up with an easy one!

Problem 22

Demo board

By the way, feel free to share your own capture go problems here! To get started, play around with some random positions until you find one with a unique solution. It’s easy to make easy problems, like the one above. Harder problems are harder to come up with (duh). I would be delighted if someone could make one that I can’t solve :smiley:

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This is a great thread.

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Thanks @bugcat :blush:

I still hope some other people may want to try their hand at creating problems, so here’s another tip: just look through an existing collection of go problems and look for ones that also happen to work as capture go problems.

Below are two problems that were stolen inspired from Tsumego Pro:

Problem 23


Problem 24


(click on image to go to demo board)

The fun part is that only sometimes is the capture-go solution the same as the regular solution :wink:


Inspired by the recent discussion in this thread, here’s the same kind of question for capture go :smiley:

Is it possible for black to live inside this 6x6 area?

(click on image to go to demo board)

I think I know the answer, but I could very well have overlooked something, so I’m looking forward to other people’s input!

Partial spoiler (a failed attempt by black)

It looks to me like an invasion at the 3-3 point can be killed by invading at the 2-2 point :rofl:

Even though black gets some forcing moves…

…the extension at 11 can still be killed (just barely):

So assuming 3-3 dies, that leaves 2-3 and 2-2 as the remaining likely candidates to live. Hopefully someone else wants to take a crack at them, otherwise I’ll share another variation in a few days :slight_smile:

Some variations starting at the 2-3 point

Here’s a promising start for black:

This combination kills, but once again it’s just barely holding together for white:

This black move is another good try, making miai of A and B:

But white can falsify the D2 eye:

(1 could also be at B4 I think. 1 at B5 or C4 would not work, since then black gets C3 in sente)

White must take care not to get too crazy with the second move. Connections along the side are generally stronger in capture go than regular go (since some of the normal disconnection sequences rely on sacrificing stones), but this white 2 is swallowed up by 3:

This A3 on the other hand might actually be working:

(the variations after B3-A2 get a bit messy, so I’m not sure)

Preliminary conclusion: 2-3 dies. Please let me know if I overlooked something!

Stay tuned for some 2-2 variations tomorrow :slight_smile:

2-2 variations and conclusion

When black starts at the 2-2 point, white needs to aggressively deny the eye-shape with the second move to stand a chance. A soft white response like 3-3 fails completely, since after 3 black already has enough guaranteed eye-shape (the triangled points) to live:

So let’s try this B3 instead for white:

I think black can live with either A or B. A is maybe the easiest, but a bit boring, so let’s look at B instead.

These moves seem natural:

White goes for another desperate-looking kill:

But black has enough forcing moves to set up this net:

(There is no real reason not to play the E2 atari before 13. I just wanted to be fancy.)

One should also consider these attempts for white:

I’ll leave it to the reader to verify that neither of these can kill.

Conclusion: 2-2 lives!

The natural next step will be to check if 2-2 also lives in a 5x5 area.


Problem 25


  1. What is the status of each black group?
  2. Can black (playing first, as usual) win the game?

The first part should be pretty easy to read without putting stones on the board, for the second part feel free to click on the image and use the interactive board :slight_smile:

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A little off-topic, but here is William Cobb’s four-introduction to Go through capture Go, or – as it’s called on the BGA site – Atari-Go.


There is a well-known seki with four spaces:



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This is seki in regular go, but not in capture go, since black can simply capture two stones! :slight_smile:


Today I randomly got curious about visualizing the winning moves for capture go on a 1-dimensional board, so I dug up my old solver and made this image:

Here the n:th row is a board with n intersections (drawn as circles for visual clarity). The black circles mark the winning moves from the empty board. The final row is n = 24.

It’s easy to see that for any odd-sized board (n > 1), “tengen” is a win, while playing right next to tengen is a loss. (Exercise for the reader: why?)

Harder question: Is it true that for all n > 7, moving at coordinate 2 is a loss, while coordinate 3 is a win? I think this is probably true, and likely not very hard to prove, but I didn’t prove it myself yet.

In the last five rows of the figure, the only losing moves are coordinates 1, 2 and the one adjacent to tengen on odd boards. Does this pattern continue indefinitely, or will there be some more interesting stuff happening?

It could be a fun challenge to solve larger boards. I think with the right optimizations even a board of size 100 might be doable!