Capture go problems ⚫

Looks good so far!

But what happens if after B C4, W B4?

this is tricky

D4 seems to work. We have to avoid E4.
edit: white D3 is dead here:


It’s really tricky that E4 is losing. It’s one of those ataries that looks like it has to be a good exchange, but actually it shortens your own liberties (similar to D1 in problem 15).


Problem 18 (easy)

Demo board

Problem 19 (medium)

Demo board

Problem 20 (hard)

Demo board

Problem 18?

We need to D2 then C2.

And white must play in a symmetric position and she is dead.



Problem 20?

And white is dead.

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Sorry about the slow response, you are completely correct!

Continued solution diagram

I find it amusing that when black goes for the kill like this, he is just barely alive himself, despite having so much eye-shape in the starting position!


Any guesses for Problem 19? It’s just too damn symmetric!

Actually, I made a mistake with problem 19 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The intended solution was D3, but I had missed that white could answer D3 with F3. I’ve fixed the problem by adding the exchange D3 - E3, so now it should be solvable. Sorry for the mishap!

Problem 21

Demo board

Hopefully I didn’t make a mistake this time :sweat_smile:


C4 F4 C5 look solid. Breaking mind, a two space eye keep the group alive…
The way I see then is A8 A7 B9 C9 a no w can Atari instead hum so only the bottom left is vulnerable but you need avoid the ko ofc, so playing D1

I’m no expert in Capture go but can we infere that for experienced players, it’s like go, but with lower level of tactics (life is much easier) and finally the same goal (the one who control more wins as passing is not allowed)

C4 D4 C5 A6?

Ok nothing works. Other option is to start with this move A6, threatening A8

That is a good start! What happens after bA6 wA8?

I just get seki I guess then it’s incorrect

Depends on the rest of the board, who dies first? :slightly_smiling_face:

(one of the things I like about these whole-board capture go problems is that there is never any ambiguity about the goal. In regular go problems, beginners are sometimes confused about whether ko or seki are good enough solutions to a problem. For a capture go problem, as I’ve defined them here, the goal is to win the game. If you could play the position against an opponent and win every time, you’ve solved the problem. Otherwise keep looking. No ambiguity about what counts as “good enough” :smiley:)

Ah yes I see your point

Some extra explanation of problem 21:


Black needs to make seki between B4 and B2 to survive. To achieve this, preserving liberties is very important. Something straightforward like this obviously doesn’t work:

The key to the problem is that black can gain liberties by starting with the descent at A6:

This is the correct solution. (5 at C5 would also work, but black must not play 5 at A3 or B3. The mutual liberties are needed to make seki.)

Importantly, playing hane connect instead of descending is a mistake since it loses a liberty:

No way to survive for black after this.

Also, black can not start with the cut, since then white can resist with A7:

The upper left corner is locally dead, but it has four liberties since black needs to start with B9 to kill. So in this variation, black dies first since the black liberties were reduced by the 1-2 exchange. Thus the order in the solution diagram above is necessary: descend first, cut afterwards.

Please let me know if you have further questions or if you find any mistakes in my analysis!