Hi all,
I assume I’m not the first to ask but I didn’t find anything using a forum search - so here I go…:
I used to be an avid chess player during school/university times and back then I spent quite some time on getting better at it. At the age of about 22 I quit playing tournament chess and since then haven’t played a serious games - I’m 45 now. I do have played the occasional internet blitz game every now and then though.
I am considering picking up tournament chess again because luckily I now have more time on my hand again and I still love the game of chess.
Concerning Go - I’m not a player as of yet, I barely know the rules. From what I’m reading about it it appears to be an at least equally interesting and rewarding subject as well and I feel somehow attracted to the idea of learning Go and dedicating time to this instead of picking up tournament chess again.
I can admire a genius chess game, but I can not yet admire a genius go game, so I have yet to grasp what “kind of beauty there is waiting out there”
I assume there will be other (ex-)chess players who have done that and I would love to hear what they have to say. I’m aware that this is a Go forum so I don’t expect any “Go is boring compared to chess - stick with chess!” anyway - you guys are biased, I know!
What would be an educated guess as to how long it might take to reach a level of basic but solid Go-understanding - to be able to start appreciating a commented master game for instance? I know how (incredibly) much work it is to get better at chess, so I somewhat shy away from being a total beginner again. But then again: why not?!
Thanks for listening!