Codenames Pictures #2

We’re left with A7 (Picasso ballerina) and F2 (Clint Eastwood with ballerina in the background).

The tree at D5 and the dragon at G1 also look somewhat like they’re dancing.

Personally I’m more in favour of the ballerina A7.

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I hope my questions won’t bother too much the game in progress, but I have to ask: those are all AI generated pictures, right? Will we ever know captions for those pictures? :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry for the OT.

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I can’t remember all of them, but I we can hold a separate game for “guess the caption”, I suppose


Yeah, I think that A7 is our best bet too

Blue guesses A7

A7 is Blue.

Blue team has an optional extra guess if they so wish.

(on mobile, i will leave the picture to someone else)

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I think that we should pass. Okay with you, @ArsenLapin1?

Updated picture:


Team Blue passes.

Over to Team Red @mafidufa

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Note that with the usual distribution of Codenames, the first team has 9 pictures and the second team has 8 pictures, with the following consequence: if each team always finds exactly 2 pictures each round, then the second team wins. So, this gives the first team’s captain a big incentive to try a size-3 hint (or more).

Here the grid is about twice as large, with twice the number of pictures per team, and I suspect it’s easier to give size-3 hints. If each team always finds exactly 3 pictures each round, then the first team wins. So, this gives the second team’s captain an incentive to try a size-4 hint (or more).


Desert, 3


Rules question / clarification: the bonus / extra guess is limited to only one, even if the guess is correct?

For example the number given is 3, the team makes 3 + 1 correct guesses, the turn is now over and they will not be allowed to go for a 5th guess.


Yes, there is at most one bonus guess.

However, people may of course make guesses completely unrelated to the prompt.


Yes, imagine Red Team guessers @_Sofiam and @Leira now fail to find Red pictures this turn. Then, they’ll remember for later turns that they are looking for 3 “desert” pictures. If on next turn you say “Penguin, 5”, it’s up to them to understand whether they are now looking for 3 deserts + 5 penguins, or if some pictures belong to both “penguins” and “desert”, or whether you gave a higher number for penguin just to allow them to find the desert pictures.


I’d say we can start by saying C6 if @Leira agrees, I’ll try to get an idea on the rest later :slight_smile:

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Red Team guesses C6

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C6 is Red :grin:

(help with the board image please)


I just realised C3 must be a globe of the Earth, and the region highlighted in red is about the location of the Sahara desert.

To me, it looks like it is polyhedron, even resembling some of the Wikipedia diagrams. Possibly an AI interpretation blending the characteristics of stellated and compound polyhedra as well.

I feel a bit deserted by this clue (he he he, yeah, I’m hilarious :expressionless:). I see up to 5 deserts in that grid.

The most archetypical ones to me are C6 (A Goban in the desert) and D4 (A van goes in the desert).

Then there’s F5, the Cowboy in the Arizona desert, which thematically I must assume is Clint Eastwood/Man with No Name.

There’s E5, which has dunes and trees that strongly resemble Candelabra trees. According to Wikipedia, the cacti in this family grow on “dry land” in the Horn of Africa, I wouldn’t know if that counts as desert per se.

Finally E2 which features Snow White lost in the desert, I guess.