Colors of filled online status circles difficult to distinguish for colorblinds

In fact, color blind is very rare disease. If you meet colorblind person you can feel safe. you will not catch this. this is because colorblind is come from your blood even when you is born. thank you.

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In fact, colourblindness affects 8% of men and 0.5% of women.

That means that many of our players suffer from it, and it is worth helping them.


Gender inequality! We need to infect 7.5% of women with colourblindness in the name of fairness! /s


Both, please. :no_mouth:

If only it were as easy as just adding another theme and tweaking colors. Unfortunately, each theme has hardcoded pieces relating to it. I’m doing dark-acccessible for now, if it seems like a Good Thing maybe me or someone else will be motivated to add in a light-accessible later.


It would be helpful if anyone can point out to me if there are places where there is a “presence indicator” other than in the top left of the avatars on the Game page, and in the top left of the Private Message Chat panes.

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I don’t know if these are controlled by the same thing but:

  • In your friends list
  • In the list of players in groups

Those are the ones that come to mind.


Thanks! As it turns out, they are controlled by the same thing as the ones I listed, so I still have a mystery of what another snippet of code does … if anything :smiley:

I’m pretty sure those are the only ones- I was curious about how hard it would be to update this and searched some shades of green I found in the code.

You could probably be extra sure of the “presence indicator” by searching for “fa-circle”, but that will give more results.

Just because I’m curious, and I’ve recently been learning css, is it this that you’re editing for the indicator?

That seems to be what’s included in front of the players when they’re online.

I guess this is the fa-circle you’re talking about

Github has a nice “search this repository” feature I imagine you’re probably already using, but maybe it might encourage someone else :slight_smile:

I haven’t tried downloading and getting a local OGS server running myself. (It sounded simple-ish from the instructions, but at the same time I expect command line instructions to break on a mac, or be entirely different on windows :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Yes that is a nice feature! However, I recommend anyone looking to contribute get a nice IDE with this functionality as well. I use VSCode and think it works very nicely :slight_smile:

I use MacOS for my development! I don’t even think Windows is the prefered OS; from the Contributing guide, it kind of sounded like Linux was the default. On MacOS, it is just as simple, but please message me if you run into any issues, I’d be happy to help!


Yeah I use VSCode on a Mac, and the searching is good.

There are a few reasons why it was helpful to have someone else take a look. One of course was laziness - it’s easier to ask than dream up all the ways to find that thing.

Another is that OGS has some funky code that could make finding these things tricky.

And finally, because it was seeming like I might be missing something, due to these two bits of CSS not apparently being used:

The first one is tricky to search for because ‘white’ is injected with the theme.

The second one is tricky to search for because of CSS - it appears to never be used due to:

The .ChatPresenceIndicator is the one used in the game window right? Like you’re in a game and the beside the avatars for the players, that green light?

I’ve no idea where online-status-indicator comes up though.


Yes, but there appears to be no place where the .line modifier specified in ChatPresenceIndicator.syl is used, because it is overloaded by the version in Players.styl.

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Ah I see, I didn’t notice they were different files even :slight_smile: Only slightly (very) confusing so :slight_smile:


I made the unused ones pink, so if they ever show up someone will comment :wink: :smiley:


An initial implementation of this is at beta.

I’m intending to fill the “offline” circle with the background colour for accessible theme, so it appears as an empty circle (in line with the guidelines posted above).

Note that the accessible theme is based on the dark theme (out of consideration for colourblind people’s eyes :wink: And my eyes :stuck_out_tongue: ).

If it gets legs, we can look at adding a light-accessible.


… can you let me know if that one basic change is “the right kind of thing”.

Does “do the job” for the presence indicator, albeit not pefectly?

Also, what colour pair should be used for won/lost instead of green/red?

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No interest in changing the colours for won/lost on the profile page?

Yes, certainly; I think I had asked about that in the past as well.