Coronavirus- Getting Better?

As the days went on, people are starting to let loose and not realize that coronavirus is still in the air! Of course, it’s wayyyy better then before, when the niehgborhoods were shut down, and you can’t get out of your house/home. But even though the vaccine have been made, and working, doesn’t mean you can take off your mask and let loose. Hold on, and keep your mask on! Many people might think that coronavirus is gone now, and that might be true, for the record. But taking one step at a time is always the right choice. I think that people ought to keep their mask on or the sake of time. You never know if another outbreak might occur, and it’s better to stay safe. Passing by playgrounds and basketball courts in specific areas may strongly prove my point. People, especially teenagers are huddled in groups with masks off and playing sports, like basketball. I understand that they may be your friends, and letting loose for just a moment won’t hurt anyone. But is it just for a moment? People might get too used to keeping their masks off, but it’s better the other way. And remember, it’s just for the sake of time. It’s better to stay calm and clear of your doings than to celebrate and throw your mask off at the last moment before it’s all over, and cause other troubles.
Thank you for hearing out my opinion, it doesn’t mean there’s no one that disagrees, but it might help. :grinning:
Have you seen any mask-free people huddled in groups? Especially playing sports? I understand that playing sports with masks on can be suffocating, but you can take a mask break six feet away if you need to take a breath! By playing sports, your body needs more oxygen to keep you alive, so you with breathe faster. But what you DON’T realize is that when you breathe faster, your breath can go further away, and it makes it easier for the virus to travel.
Once again, thank you for hearing me out!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Are you worried about coronavirus?