Detective Go šŸ” The First Game

I could go for c9 to go along with c4 and p10?

If weā€™re choosing from the random-ish moves

Sounds like a plan :+1:

Yes, sounds good. @yebellz!!

green P10
blue C4
yellow C9


All of those stones were placed, and fugitive has made another move

Back to the detectivesā€™ (@Vsotvep, @martin3141, @shinuito) turn


Iā€™d say the most empty spots are around G16, the center and either Q5-ish or G2-ish.

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Yes and the lower-right corner is also fairly open. Playing a move there would also be good I think.

Iā€™m considering playing a move near the center, to test out the waters.

Edit: One thing I noticed; The stones we played on the second line could be secretly assaulted by three moves by yebellz like so:

This would give yebellz good eye space and as long as the stone doesnā€™t get captured, we wouldnā€™t even notice. So far yebellz has only placed two stones, and the first was without knowing where we would play, so Iā€™m not afraight of it just yet. But if we continue to search the board with single-stones, yebellz may predict that we wouldnā€™t place directly next to our existing stones.


I can go G16 to continue to map out ā€˜myā€™ top left corner.

Hopefully if thereā€™s any fighting having stones nearby can help each other.

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Just to clarify the rules, so far, I have placed three stones.

The game began with my turn playing my first stone, then the detectives played their first stones, then I played a second stone, then the detectives played their second stones, then I played a third, and now it is the detectives turn again.


Right I got confused, thank you for pointing it out :sweat_smile:


I think I underestimated the fugitiveā€™s chances. There are so many possible board states already, I feel a bit lost to be honest and I donā€™t know what to do :sweat_smile:


Iā€™d just like to quote some earlier notes

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But basically this idea of our stones getting Atariā€™s without is noticing is why I was suggesting formations like the kill all go stuff.

Actually more annoying could be having several stones in atari. Imagine lone stones on a corner and two adjacent sides, then three nearby ~invisible ponnukis might be hard to attack

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I would like to place a stone in the top-right or lower-right corner. The possibility that yebellz builds in one of the corners seems like the most immediately troublesome afterall.

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6 moves in and I wouldnā€™t be confident :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be unlikely the first move was an attachment though.

But yeah go for the corner :slight_smile: I think getting lucky and hitting a stone/group might be good for another few moves :slight_smile:

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Yes, we should probably play some stones close to ones we already have to both keep yebellz on his toes and to make capture harder. But primary objective is first and foremost to actually find yebellzā€¦


Shall I try P4 ?

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Ok, in that case Iā€™ll try Q14, if that is alright with you @Vsotvep @shinuito

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Yes, letā€™s go for it

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All good :slight_smile:

Then I believe these are our moves @yebellz:

green Q14
blue P4
yellow G16