SDG has Chase.
What about games with dice?
Backgammon is a classic example, but I don’t know a good place to play online. Could someone recommend one?
Also, we’re playing Yahtzee in another thread on these forums.
Here ya go!
Would you like to play tonight, at the time you suggested?
Know that I’ve never played before, though.
Actually I think there are a lot of videogames which, after becoming successful, were also adapted to old school board games for commercial reasons.
Sure thing! I am not a complete beginner, but definitely still in solid TPK territory.
You can also play Xiangqi at, but the players are really strong and most seem to only speak Vietnamese.
Are we still on for this?
Yeah; I’m on my way home now. Did I do the time zone conversion wrong?
Ah, no, I was wrong. I thought British Summer Time had ended, but actually it lasts until the 25th.
7 posts were split to a new topic: Daylight Savings Time in the US
I just found this Wikipedia page List of Mensa Select recipients - Wikipedia
Mensa Select is an annual award given by American Mensa since 1990 to five board games that are “original, challenging and well designed.”
There have been 150 recipients. Those which have so far been judged worthy of their own page are, in date order:
- Taboo
- Scattergories
- Tribond
- Abalone
- Set
- Master Labyrinth
- Clue(do)
- Terrace
- Quarto
- Down Fall
- Magic: The Gathering
- Pylos
- Continuo
- The Great Dalmuti
- Rat-a-Tat Cat
- Pirateer
- 6 Nimmt!
- Rush Hour
- Quoridor
- Spy Alley
- Wadjet
- Apples to Apples
- Bollox / Boku
- Fluxx
- Quiddler
- 3 Stones
- Dao
- Blokus
- Fire and Ice
- TransAmerica
- Rumis
- Da VInci’s Challenge
- Ingenious
- Niagara
- Zendo
- Deflexion / Khet
- Hive
- Pentago
- Wits and Wagers
- Gheos
- Quirkle
- Skullduggery
- Eye Know
- Pixel
- Dominion
- Marrakech
- Forbidden Island
- Azul
I can vouch from experience that Quoridor is good.
I saw Marrakesh played in a manga and it seemed pretty good as well.
I’ll do more research…
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Okay, off topic …
This always puzzles me. Always want to flag it, but that seems not respectful (otherwise OP would not have withdrawn it). But why does someone post a thing first and then withdraws it?
Not interested in content, but what does this message mean?
In this case, I wanted to make another post in the thread, but Discourse only allows three posts in a row by the same user. So I deleted that one and moved the content into the previous post.
Most of the games on that list are somewhat rubbish-looking family party entertainment. Here’s a list of the appealing ones.
Fire and Ice
Most of the time, the name seems to give a clue as to quality: abstract games typically have one-word titles.
So, would anyone like a game of anything tonight?
Are there any you’re familiar with that you’d be interested in teaching me and/or learning together?
Sunjang baduk and Tibetan Go are mainly differentiated just by beginning from a fighty initial stone placement.
I could teach chess rules & strategy to a 1500 level. The chess variants are going to make use of that to varying degrees.
I’ve played a couple of games of xiangqi. And then the usual stuff: draughts, backgammon, etc.
I’ve got some experince in Quoridor, but I find it most fun with about four players.