I was really hoping Park Junghwan would make it to me… I’ll take Lee Sedol.
chen yaoye (china)
I choose Zhou Ruiyang @Jonasd
I pick two now, right?
I take shin jinseo (korea) and mi yuting (china)
My second choice is Lian Xiao @Virtuitous
choi cheolhan (korea)
Tuo Jiaxi !
I pick Shi Yue
China: Xie He
Takao Shinji
Lee Qincheng
Japan: Kono Rin
korea: Kim Jiseok
I’ll take Park Yeonghun
tan xiao (china)
My third choice is Yamashita Keigo @Jonasd
Lee Donghoon (korea) and Ichiriki Ryo (Japan)
My fourth choice is Won Seongjin @Virtuitous
li jihyun (korea)
Cho U
Gu li
Sorry for the delay guys