I’m glad you brought this up, then we know how to set up future games 
If I understand correctly, this turn order / shared colour schema would perhaps be better?

compared to what we are using now

Back to the game:
I was planning to play H3, but I’m afraight of what may happen after yebellz plays F4 
So I’ll play F4 myself:

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@Vsotvep, I was considering F3, but that seems a bit slow and does nothing to help your stone above. Any suggestions?
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I was considering G5 or something before. Or maybe F6?
F3 is a solid move though.
To be honest, I have really no clue how to play this…
So far I have the feeling that everybody is hesitant to mix the blue and red colours. It’s almost like two players playing on one front, and two on another. But I believe it’s definetely possible to help each other - it’s just a bit difficult to coordinate, due to the disparity of the second colour.
I’m curious: @Vsotvep did you consider playing at H4?
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I considered playing at G5, F4, F5, D5, E8, F8, G7, B6 but not H4, no… 
It still looks a bit scary though, because you have the next move, so that would be an easy play at H5 for you, and yebellz couldn’t protect with H3, since it’s then in a Red atari
On the other hand:
Reading this is so hard…
Yes, or look at this:
There’s so many cool sequences. Is it wrong that I feel like we’re missing out by playing solidly? 
No, it’s not wrong, but it’s scary!
@yebellz, I have no idea … F6? E8? H4 after all?
I must admit that I’m also a bit in the dark here. G7 surprised me - I rather expected F8 or F6. I’m hoping that, as soon as you choose a move Vesotvep, @Here_We_Go shares some of their thoughts with me. 
Personally, I like F6, but I’m not too sure

@Here_We_Go my thoughts are:
I considered playing F8 in an attempt to connect the black stones, but the (black | red) stone at F8 would be vulnerable to capture due to lack of red liberties. Yebellz and Vsotvep can also push with G6 and E6 to make shape and potentially cut off the F4 stones. Do you have a plan for this scenario?
The move I’m prefering right now is E6, but then your G7 stone is vulnerable.
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I liked this pincer move for black as the pressure is on white, and the move also seemed sensible from the perspective of blue. Now that I see the result with F6 played, I don’t know if I am so happy with the result.
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I guess if you continue with E6, it continues my tactic of pressuring the white group.
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Maybe G8? Or H4?
I also had a crazy idea about trying F5, but I don’t think that works…
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The nice thing about this game, is that it seems everybody is equally confused 
How about G6?