Okay, let’s do G6
@Here_We_Go I believe we need to gain some significant profit from attacking this white group, if we want to have a winning chance. I’ve been trying to read some sequences, but they quickly get complicated
The move I’ve been considering most so far is H6, which puts the (white | red) stone in atari. (The other atari, G5, doesn’t seem to work well.)
H6 looks good to me.
H6 has been played:
It is now @Vsotvep 's turn. I’m excited for the next moves
For the benefit of other confused spectators, here’s what the board looks like if we focus on only two colors at a time:
(next move will be white/blue)
@yebellz I think I should play H7? I can’t read it out completely, but this seems like the most interesting move at least, unless you have a better idea.
I guess not is a typo? But yes, I’m also considering that line of play. If Blackblue takes, I get to play G6 again immediately afterwards.
OK, I’ll play H7 then.
I believe the white group will just make life if the G7 stone gets captured, so I’ll extend with G8:
@Here_We_Go, you could capture the (white | red) stone here by playing G5. Probably Vsotvep will play (white | blue) G6 afterwards, putting the H6 stone in atari again. But this exchange gives us a “free” (black | blue) stone at G5, and I can play F8 afterwards, connecting the black stones at the top and putting the three white stones in atari.
Afterwards yebellz may capture with J6, and in the resulting position it might be difficult for us to immediately disconnect the white chains on the right. That is because a (blue | black) stone at H4 would eventually be captured due to lack of blue liberties.
However that also means that the white team owes a move at H4 to connect, so we could perhaps play a strong move on the left, like an attachment at b4, to create a double-threat.
What do you think?
G5 was my first reaction to this position, let’s go for it.
G5 has been played, and as a result the red chain at G6 is captured.
Well… G6, then.
This would be my chance to cut with H4, but I expect yebellz to answer with F8 and don’t see a way to save the G8 stones afterwards. So I play F8:
The link is getting longer and longer, so I’ll just make the picture clickable.
it’s starting to look like a colourful tombstone…
Beautiful, isn’t it?
By the way I believe that Blue is winning
//Edit: I think I just found something that makes my previous analysis wrong. Now I’m very interested in the next move
@yebellz , if you want to capture with J6 you better make sure that the white group lives after (Black | Blue) H4.