Go Achievements

Successfully cut five opponent groups and still lost the game = Cut out Loser

  • Better Than Expected: someone called you “sandbagger” in game chat

  • Dan Slayer: win ranked game against dan while still being kyu

  • Ex Machina: play 10 moves in a row that are same as in AI review after game

7 is the value of a semi-stone

one stone ≈ 15 points

Does the formula solve ur question?

Last Star: when there are not much chance to win or lose, and everyone timeout or resignout, the last player win the rengo

True God: when there’re no chance to win and all ur teammates get out, u play against a team of many players and u win

Chosen One: win a game by zero move, e.g. too many players before u have already ended the rengo game and u belong to the win team

Cheetah King: win a correspondence game in 10 min

Sun Friend: win a correspondence game over a year

GPU Challenger: win a game more than 360 moves

See this topic Ladder value? • Life In 19x19
Katago’s estimate is close, but not exactly equal to 7 points.


Paris in a bottle: Enter a sequence in the conditional move planner that is longer than the game.


Hundred Mirrors
Successfully mirror the opponent for 100 consecutive moves.


Master of Time: Play 50 consecutive games without timing out. It could be earned multiple times.

(This badge would apply to all games, not just blitz, because its purpose would be to discourage people from escaping.)

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